I noticed that when I talk to people online, it's because I had to IM them. I don't mind IMing, but sometimes, it's nice to be IMed by someone I actually enjoy talking to. These days, it's like I'm the only one making an effort to stay in touch with people, and it gets old. So eventually, I stop trying to get in touch with them.
Many have excuses like, "well I'm not used to IMing people. But I don't mind if people IM me," and other crap like that. Newsflash: That's no excuse! You think when I'm online, I'm not doing anything but sitting there waiting for you to come on so I can IM you? There are other things I do online too, damn it. If we are talking only because I IMed you, I'm going to notice a pattern eventually, and take it as a hint. So if you notice that you haven't heard from me in a really long time, it means I grew tired of IMing being one-sided.
Lol, ok, that's my rant. sweatdrop
Jaiden Stryker · Fri Dec 23, 2005 @ 09:41pm · 4 Comments |