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Life In Transition
There is this optimistic, bubbly, happy, beautiful, and successful person buried deep inside me. However the current seemingly endless string obstacles that come at me force me to be this shattered shell of a human. I pick up the pieces as much as I
Desire is cruel.
I have had a very very very sucky few weeks. I am single again. It didn't end well and that makes me sad because in my last post from many months ago, I was happy with it and boy look at what a few months will do. I am real sad about that. I have also been going through some emotions of desire and they certainly are not returned. Nothing worse than feeling something, especially for, lets say for example another person, and those feelings aren't received pleasantly or even returned. Its a tricky situation anyway. Which is why I hate being single and trying to date again. I don't plan on dating for a looonnnngg time. Still emotions are just there and you feel what you feel...and it sucks when you can't say the same for someone else.

Also I have always been a therapist more than a friend. I never really feel like I have friends or people who truly listen. It could be I pick the wrong people to talk but I feel as if I give a lot and rarely get what I give back from them. Which blows. Its pretty clear they don't give a sh*t about me. I care about me, which is where my strength is coming from. I try hard to be nice, I believe in karma. So I am always as nice as possible. However I wanna get hood with people sometimes and get in their face like I used to when I was confrontational. I have a lot of self control however.

well later, I will update when I get knocked up or something. Later.

GLA. heart


AVi Art made by Flameinexile heart Here is my son.

My name is: Mommy is still thinking of it.
My mama is: Glow Love Angels
i like: cuddling, singing, laughing, playing, outdoors
i dislike: meanies

YOU CAN ADOPT ONE TOO AT: Adopt a Baby![/align:ad2a1ff13b]

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jul 27, 2009 @ 04:30am
crying so u had feelings for another?

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 27, 2009 @ 06:08am
No not at all.

Glow Love Angels
Community Member
Hells Sin ..
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jan 12, 2010 @ 04:27am
Glow I read you entrys and i must say that you are a great writer and i hope things get better for you but maybe you should wait to look for another and have time to yourself do some soul searching and find what you really want in life
I <3 you plz message me sometime its been awhile

User Comments: [3] [add]