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Jay Jay's Heart
When there's something on my heart, It will always go here.
Forever And Always. <3
So, I'm making this entry for the people that I think deserve a bit of recognition for the things that they have done in my life.
I'm putting in things that I do & don't hate about you, so this is what I REALLY think about you!!
Let's Start Shall We?:

Well naw DUH I'm gonna put her first!
She's been my bffl since 6th grade.
Even though she moved about...1700 miles away, she still helps me with my problems & I help her with hers.
We're friends & sisters til the day we die.
I promise to never let anyone else hurt her.
Anyone tries & they're dead..
I that not another person will hurt her.. smile heart

My amazing bf. ;]
I wish that there were more words that I could use to describe him!
His odd, funny, smart & cute X3
He's everything I asked for and so much more. heart

You're an AWESOME friend and sister. wink
You may blow up my phone 24/7, but hey.
It's proof that ya love me! :3
Chur uber fun to be around & talk to & I love the fact that you actually take up for me. ^-^

A u d sx3:
My richest sister. xd
She's pretty fun! :3
I don't get to talk to her as much as I'd like to, but she's still in meh life just as much as anyone else! ^-^ heart

Okaaay. So you broke my heart....badly.
But that doesn't keep me from thinking of you! :
I'd rather not be in the same room while you have your pimp convos with the boys...& I DO storm out. >.<
But..I always end up wishing that I stayed...sometimes
You're a big ol' pain in the a**.
But ya know what? You're my favorite pain in the a**. smile heart
I can have you as a friend!
It works & I wouldn't want it any other way. mrgreen
You're AMAZING Bapi..I'm not gonna change my thinking about that. smile

Grelle Sutcliffe:
My gaia Papa! smile
I love him uber muchly! ^-^
I wish that I could talk to him more that I'm already able to, which isn't much.
But at least he didn't forget that I exist like my gaia mom did. confused
I love my papa Grelle!
He's actually a hell of alot better than my dad in rl heart

What can I NOT say about her?
She's random..which is probably why we get along so well! ^-^
She's an awesome sister too! I honestly wish that she was my rl sister.. smile're THAT amazing Kisuki! wink
I wouldn't want you to change for the world! smile

This is my friend in rl!
He acts like *****.. xd
He's straight as a board! heart
He likes AFI.
I try to steal his AFI wallet..idc about the money & crap inside. xd
He's also a pain in the a**...but hey!
I gotta love Setness! :3
He's friggin awesome! heart

Sooo....first time that I actual hung out with this guy in was at the county fair.
I thought "...Wow this guy is creepy.." xd
I got use to him though & he's pretty bad a**. smile
Jordan! I must're just as creepy as Zach...but that's why you 2 are best friends, right? xd heart

My gaia grandma! ;D
We have tons of fun together!
We even make up random days together. ^-^
She's LOADS of fun & I wouldn't trade her for the world. smile
ily Grandma!!

IshYummeh: make NO sense...hardly. idc
HOW we even dated & broke up in like...10 minutes when I barely said a word. . - .
But I guess that you've made a fair impact on my life.
Thanks Skyler.

Kitty! OwO
He's uber fun to be with! ;D
He tends to act a tad emo, but he's friggin awesome! biggrin
I mean....he's the king of cats!
Enough said! xd
Not really..but I can't think of anything else to say but... smile
Simply amazing.

My biggest little pain! wink
You're the biggest jerk that I've ever mey...EVER.
But you're just one of those friends that I can only stay mad at for like...3 minutes then I want to say sorry to. xd
You're actually a better friend than you try NOT to be. smile heart

7Haseo - I AM MARCUS: Totally random.
Totally Freaky.
Totally awesome. mrgreen
What is there to NOT like about him!
He has an interesting topic everytime! xd
He's rad. 3nodding

iStars Rose:
Sissy Rose! ;D
The beggar.
But I love her. smile
She's an awesome sister.
UBER fun to hang out with. mrgreen

Remy! :3
She's fun to hang out with. ^-^
She makes a room come alive. wink
It's like she's the heart of the room whenever she enters. smile
ily Remy!!

I love her to death. wink
I wish that she'd talk to me more than she normally does, but I love her either way! heart
Sissy Chyanne!
I'm sick and tired of guys hurting you!
You're awesome, love.
I don't want another person to hurt you.
If they do...then so help them..i'll kill them! heart

Angel Zetsumei:
She's my friend in rl.
She's total amazing.
She taught me alot of stuff & she's the biggest juggulette that I know. ;D
I hope that even though that she graduated that we still get to hang out & talk. smile

I also call her Ozzy. :3
She's a friend from the rl world as well! ^-^
A beautiful can make you dizzy((As Andrew has already noticed xd ))
She's been one of my best friends since 6th grade...I mean like..since I first started 6th grade.
I remember it.
Mrs Abbott's SS room...along with Indigo! heart
Great times right there...great times. smile

Xx ish Robin_bish xX:
She's a fun girl! ^-^
Though I haven't known her for very long, she deserves to make this entry!
My honest very first impression was jealousy because you had Bapi & I didn't. sweatdrop
That's WAY past me now. smile
:3 She's funny AND fun & she's Cut With The 'E'. X3
You'd wanna have her at a party..or it just ain't a party!! heart

This is my gaia daughter.
I do what I can to help her out with her avi & I wish that I could do more that what I do.((Which is very little))
I'd love to spend more time with her, but she's hardly ever on. >.<
I love my little Renesmee the 2nd! smile heart

A really fun friend! ^-^
We hang out pretty much everyday & it's always an awesome time. smile
We stand up for each other like friends SHOULD do.
We don't leave each other in the dust like you SHOULDN'T do to a friend!

My Morbid Romance:
A friend in rl. Brandi. smile
What ISN'T there to like about her??
She's spunky.
She's sassy.
She'll kick your a** if you mess with her or any of her friends..and I'll do the same for her. smile
*pounces* =^w^=

Andrew! ((aka Shrimpy))
Another friend in rl.
He's the one that comes up with THE MOST RANDOMEST things that you'll ever hear((DOWN-SYNDROME p***s!!)) xd
He has biscuits in his bra and he doesn't know why. >D
He's epic.
Elfy & I are both surprised that the nickname that we gave him has actually stuck from the 7th grade up to the 11th! rofl
He's mega cool and caring((When he wants to be X3))
May you live on Grandma!! xd heart

Demolition Lover92:
My little gaia sister, Grace. smile
I wish that we'd talk more than we do. >.<
She's a Bundle O' Joy though! ;D
If we'd talk more, I'd have more to say... sweatdrop heart

Ikari Torishimari:
This ish meh brother...that should be my sister. xd
It actually confuses the HECK outta me! >.<I love her all in the same. :3
We REALLY need to hang out more . sweatdrop
ily Ikari-senpai! ;D

Shadow ninja 959:
This ish meh brother! ^-^
He's uber awesome/random..though I'm still mad at you & Jayson cause NEITHER of you knew how to shut the hell up! >.<
I love you anyways & you know it bubby!! heart

In just one day, I learned that he's fun & awesome....& he'll NEVER lie to you.
I like Narwhals..he didn't lie and say "Oh...they're kinda cool.."
He had balls & said that they're Fugly. xd
Balls man...nice. rofl
He's awesome..don't mess with him...or I'll kick you in the face. >.>

Another gaia sister! ^_-.
She's hilarious. xd
Loads of fun to talk to. :3
She's stuck on maplestory. X3 tehe
We're gonna go jack a Narwhal from Seaworld and name it Muffin Butt. xd tehehe

I have to admit...this is my warmer brother. X3
He's awesome.
idk what you think about him. ^-^
Cause I know & he knows that you're opinion, unless it's positive, isn't needed. smile heart

Dracula Vlad Tepes:
Fransken! I've been friends with him for over a year now.
He's odd...a bit nerdy...& like odd things.
But hey!
That's what I like about him! >:3
He's really cool once you actually get to know him a bit.
He's fun. xd
He's funny to. xp
Maybe you should talk to him some time?
I've claimed him. >.< lolz heart

He's amazing!
We met in zOMG when he pretty much dedicated himself to helping me fight & defeat Katsumi's Kokeshi Doll. X3
He really took the time out to help me.
We finally got it after about 8 to 10 redos. xd
That was an amazing day. smile

So that's everyone that I think is totally awesome along with a few first impressions.
If you're wondering why your name isn't in here you should probably start talking to me & I just might add you once we become close friends.

User Comments: [7] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Aug 04, 2009 @ 03:49am
1st comment YEAH IM "Simply amazing." YES

commentCommented on: Tue Aug 04, 2009 @ 03:51am
hail ya we r gonna steal a narwhale named muffin butt >3
maplestory ish fun but fries my eyes
^^you are fun to talk to too
my hilariouslory thanks you or somethin xD
ily sissy~!!!^^ heart

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Aug 04, 2009 @ 09:01am
Oh yesh :3 i like minez
But im sowweh i broke yourr heartt o.o ilyy

commentCommented on: Tue Aug 04, 2009 @ 10:43pm
wesome im in there ^^ =p i have an awesome time wit yew 2 lol and ill always have ur back no madder wat 3nodding ninja mrgreen

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Aug 05, 2009 @ 12:40am
xD I ish Random I love being Random!!!! 3nodding And i wish i was your rl sister too my rl sister ish a pain in the a**. whee

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 26, 2009 @ 12:19am
Who said anything about acting?

Lankapoo AFS
Community Member
User Comments: [7] [add]