This is a donation thread... (like nobody knew that). I'm such a loser xD..... anyways because it's that kind of thread, I'm not going to put down my life story but just a few thing's I love.
Music; as you can see by my pictures, the 70's-80's classical rock era will always be rocking my ipod.
Movies; I swear I watch more movies than television I don't know why I like them.... probably because the characters are more relatable rather than the reality T.V star bimbo's. But I have to admit I'm a reality T.V junky too. Anyways my favourite movies include The Notebook, Titanic, Gran Torino, Edward Scissorhands, Grease, Forrest Gump and Ferris Buillers Day Off.
Friends;I know how cliche this is going to sound, but seriously I value my friends so much. No I don't have 500 best friend's like most highschool girls. I have one, I can depend on her for anything. iMiranda Panda is her user go ahead and be mean to her if you want. We just make fun of those people who make judgments on gaia anyways.

Anyways don't be shy to comment, add, pm. Meeting new people on here is awesome.
If you share some of the same interest in music check out my profile's playlist, I have over 100 songs that you may like.
For the Thoughtful Donators.
Well like a majority of people.... I'm here to help others but in the mean time
try to complete my own quests with the help of you guys.
I'm a junkie for any game items but I love getting these the most:

Aqaurium Fish and Decorations!
I'm looking to make my tank look gansta' fo-shizzilin' trapalapaling, so any items would be appreciated.
And c'mon guys you know
I don't want your cheap crap.
Community Member
Lol, and I think I may have some black inks for you. :]