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First Week At New College
This is the middle of my first week at my new college: the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus! I should probably be typing this on, oh, I dunno, Friday, but I feel like talking about it now, if only because I feel hyped now.

I'm crashing in the 'cheaper' dorm in the area, which is admittedly seedy (weak wi-fi, no A/C--I had to buy a fan), but I'm not complaining. There aren't many people on my floor, so the bathroom's never held up. It's also pretty quiet, and I've yet to hear people's beds bumping on the walls for X or Y reason ^_^. The fact that my room is just three floors up from the road is a pain, though: the streets are a little loud at night....

I don't know if I've just adapted really, really easily to the whole thing, or if I'm just that spacey, but I feel quite at home. I haven't gotten massively lost (which is weird, seeing as the campus is huge like the freaking Fist of the North Star fused with an X-Box), and my old tempo of "Go to class, fool around on laptop, get to next class' has been improved, if nothing else--I get to my classes on time! Seeing as I'd get to my classes around, oh, anywhere between 'on time' to 'ten minutes late', this is an okay improvement!

That said, I do miss my buds... no doubt, Rio Piedras is a wretched hive of anime fans, metalheads, and people who speak English...but, copping a feel off of anyone is tough, and it's not like I can just pop in a room and yell "Megurine Luka's voice actress once voiced a character in a hentai anime who had three XXXXXXXes!" (not that I'd ever do such a thing), but it makes me wonder just how the hell a good friend of mine gets away with one tenth of the crap he does...

Luckily, an old high-school-friend is around, and she's been gracious enough to show me the proverbial ropes around here. Better yet, we've hung out a lot during this week: thanks to her, I found a Simoun collection at Borders (I'm doing my happy dance now--vwoot-vwoot-vwoot!). I really do need to make more friends, though. Sure, it's not something you force, but people here in the city are a lot more... sealed off. Well, I got through to someone in class today, thanks to the ever-potent powers of Rick Rolls (hey, it was for a Communications class--memetic theory is a totally valid investigation subject!....Heeeey....I think I just found my Thesis topic! 0_o). Still... it's tough to shake off that three-year-old habit of having three nerds to hang out with at any time, to share memes, smut, and psychological blows...

I'm looking forward to this semester, if only because I want to complete it. I see it as a tast to finish, so I'm just waiting for it to bring it on...whatever the first 'it' is supposed to be. Honestly... I just don't wanna get mugged. People can sneak pins into my clothes, so long as I don't get robbed...(messed up priorities much?)

So...yeah. Here's to a great new semester! ^_^