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Today doing nothing fun!:(
Today my sis moved back to college :) and I won the water fight aganst my little sis I mad her eat her words :) besides that today was boring because my BEST friend was gone up to her cabin that SUCKS!!!... LOL
live is sooo boring , you hear about all these things happening but when do you actully experice it?! i feel like theres nothing to say or do any more if this is how you feel like when you grow older i dont want to feel it..... It seems like the word is slowing down and I cant stop it. I cant descride whats happening or its just a random thing of boredness im suffering but,.... idk all i know is i am feeling pretty bored and nothing is going right. I wish i could right these amazing stories like morgan but i cant and the fact that i think that everyone hates me for no reason .. it just feels like that and its summer. Whats wrong with me .... ohh well. so i wonder when i will right in here again but all i know is that some thing is not what its suppose to be. rolleyes razz mrgreen eek sad sweatdrop xd ninja burning_eyes dramallama wahmbulance question question idea cry cool lol arrow arrow idea evil rofl

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