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Eternal Sunshine of the Quantum Physics
Such some things that rack my mind during the long days and extremely short nights
A message in a bottle
Because of the density of this jungle Elias had the same trouble telling the passing of time as he did with the evergreen that he had been strolling in before, he was still out of cigarettes and had to take time to eat and even take a short nap before continuing on his journey, except he wasn't quite sure where this journey of his was leading him. Elias could not help but shake his head, he was a powerful user of magic, he was by no means a god as the peoples of Mexico had believed him to be and had taught them nothing that they didn't already know but he was a user of powerful magic nonetheless. He had to admit that from time to time it did bother him that he didn't remember having a family nor ever having a childhood his oldest memories were those of walking nude through the forest unaware of where he was and what he was doing there, he still remembered the day he figured that he wasn't human he had destroyed half the jungle in a mindless panic. Luckily for him, he had not hurt any of the natives, and his fits of over dramatic rage where centuries behind him. But as with any creature he was curious as to his origins, but had renounce himself to the fact that he had forgotten them.

"It would be nice to know where I came from" Elias smiled to himself as he walked into the clearing proper and for a moment stared up into the night sky in silent amazement. "I really could use another smoke." Elias said as he removed the bowler that sat loosely on his head and ran his finger through his bright green hair. "No sense in whining about so much anymore." Elias laughed to himself as he placed the hat back on his head and looked around the clearing in which he was standing.

It took him a long while to look at all the expanse of it, it was after all an extremely large clearing, sort of like the jungle was sporting some strange bald spot, so at first he didn't notice the small glint of metal that shown amongst the shadows of the jungle. "What the?" Elias said as he walked over the that metallic glint, Elias was nothing if not a curious person and so of course he was going to figure out what was shinning like that, especially when it looked like metal in a place so organic and green.

When he was right over the object it became obvious that whatever it was, the forest had consumed most of it's form years ago, it was egged shaped and was about ten feet in diameter, from what Elias could tell. The very tip of this strange egg was the only place where the undergrowth and moss had not had a chance to cover, almost as it something on the metal itself was preventing anything from growing on it. Elias cocked an eyebrow as he leaned in closer and with a tentative finger touched the strange symbol etched on the metal.

It was in that instant that Elias's world was blinded in a world of pain and searing white light.........

He shrugged to himself smiling as of in the distance he could see a clearing in the jungle, which made it obvious that it night by now, "Perhaps there is a reason that I don't remember where I come from, as they it's best to let sleeping dogs lie" he laughed as he made his way closer to the clearing.