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Eternal Sunshine of the Quantum Physics
Such some things that rack my mind during the long days and extremely short nights
Introduction to the world
I discovered my powers during a walk, there wasn't some boom or some flash of light it just sort of happened. I know it's not what you expected to hear, the stories that float around about our births are so often painted as fantastic epics where we are the main character, some sad attempt to recapture our glory days when we went out on epic quests to save kingdoms and slay monsters I suppose. But those days of myth and magic are gone, now it's a world of science and magic. And until that faithful day I counted myself amongst those that believed in science, the new magic that strides to explain the ancient spell and rites in term of thermodynamics and quantum physics, I was one of the ones that spent his life removing the magic from magic. As you can imagine, it wasn't soon before I lost my job and my apartment and a lot of other things, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you about the day I was born