A Song
That the Earth sings
Introduction... She sings to them
A small girl twirling in a small meadow surrounded by tall overlooking trees and beautiful vibrant colored flowers. The sky so far away from reach so clear with a few white fluffy clouds. A boy admiring the girl from behind the tree sees his first glimpse of a magical world. For the girl starts singing and the world sings back. Its as if she is calling the far sky down to her. And then the unimaginable happens there is music that joins. As she twirls bright sparkling lights twirl with her. Almost like the souls of the earth try to help her call from beyond. At last as if she made the call successfully she... falls to the ground. The magic, the lights, the song...they all come to and end. The earth settles around her as she looks to the now far away sky. She has failed to call the beyond that awaited her. The boy Still in shock to what he witness thinks he sees the girl crying and he runs to her but...she is no longer there.
In this story there is a forgotten song, a boy looking for the magic he found one day and a girl who lost that magic that day....
Chapter 1... Her Song
Luchia was clearly a dreamer, because of this she was never letting others into her world. This made it hard for her to make friends and to keep her friends. The friends she did have she laughed along with, but little did they now how little her smiles she showed meant. Luchia knows that she should give these kinds friends of her more feeling. Although no matter what she always feels alone and catches her self looking up at the sky. This has not always been like this. Luchia used to be one of those girls so concern on getting her work done right away and hanging with friends with the most comfort. But just recently she has been feeling this way and she cant ignore it.
School has ended for the day and Luchia was about to walk out the door before her friend Clary catches her. She doesn't notice her friend at first and is in deep in thought. “What is this nauseating feeling when”.... Luchia! Clary is in a pant for repeatedly calling her. OH! Umm...Luchia blushes a bit of embarrassment. I'm sorry I-I was deep in thought, she trails off. Yeah I kinda figured, Clary gives Luchia a weird look. I'm worried about you are you okay? Huh yeah. Luchia gets kinda nervous because shes not sure her self. So umm...what do you need from me? Oh yeah Sasha and I are going to do some karaoke with others want to come? Oh I, she pauses, no I'm sorry I cant I'm way to busy lately. God what a stupid answer. She sees the disappointed and questioning look on Clary, but she nods nervous to make sure to her friend that its true. Well...okay then see you later. Clary walks silently away and Luchia is so relieved, not knowing sure why. Every time shes with her friends she get so nervous and a lonely pain comes over her. She shakes the thought off her and walks out side. Instantly she looks up at the sky but only for a moment because something has caught her eye. Its a boy she never seen before or has she. Hes a tall tan young man, well anyone is tall to her and he has bright copper hair with intense eyes. As she looks at him their eyes meet, she overwhelmed she feels light and brittle and she really believes she can drop to the ground. How can some one as this person who I never meet make me feel so so... GAH she yells aloud a and notices the boy looks at her strangely. No not only strangely but hes walking towards her. She panics and turns the other way quickly from a walk to a jog to a plain out sprint. She doesn't know why shes running she just knows that she has too.
The rest of the night she cant stop thinking about the tall copper haired boy with the intense eyes. That was really creepy he just started walking over to me what would have happen if I stayed. She shakes her head, I did the right thing to get away...right? She thinks of the guy one last time before reverting to her usual state looking out the window. She images that there is some one up there looking for her desperately searching for her. Though she tells her self she has given up on looking and she is most certainty she does not know how. Luchia is crying now for some reason that she cant explain. This soothes her as she slowly falls a sleep.
Chapter 2... His Song
Leo walks out of his house and takes a deep breathe of air. Today he will be moving, moving back to his childhood home town. There he will find the girl from his childhood dreams that he saw one day when he was young. Leo thinks back to when he told people about the girl. They told him that he was nuts about this girl, telling him there is no girl in the world like that. Those words people told him hurt, but he never let go of those memories. He kept hoping he was right and they were wrong.
The next day Leo walks into his grandparents house. This is where he will be staying for the time that he is in high school. Duke is his grandfather, a elder man tall and skinny such as himself and his grandmother Maria, a short elderly women half Indian half white. After saying his greetings to them he heads to his room to unpack. The sun reflecting a rainbow on his window catches his eye. As Leo walks over to the window he cant think of anything but what if that girl was up there in the sky. Would he ever see her again or not. He closes his eyes tight trying trying so hared to remember that day in the meadow. How the sky came down for the beautiful song the girl sang. As hes trying to be suck into his memories it breaks to the sound of his grandmother. Leo! Leo! Its time for dinner hes grandmother chimes waiting for an answer. Oh umm coming grandma, be down in a second, Leo yells back still trying to come out of his dream.
Today was the first day at his new high school. It was pretty much the same as his old high school but harder work to do. That time at his old school he was a a freshmen this year he is a sophomore. Leo made friends quick, he was that type of guy to get along with everyone. Although same of always he was crowded by the girls . The Girls! Every where he went they would fallow. One time he had tried to go to the bathroom but was stocked right into it. He twitches at the remembrances of early this morning. Why are all girls like this. Cant they give me a break once and a while. By halfway through the day he counted 35 Fan Clubs not include how many girls were in it.
At lunch he sat with a guy that he had become very close with. His name was Eric, shorter then himself blonde hair and blue eyes. Man you gotta teach me how you get all the babes, Eric laughs as he stares at some girls at another table. Leo looks at him, giving Eric a what are you talking about juster. He must be the kind of guy who is a playboy. Hey Leo? Leo! Leo notices Eric's hand weaving across his face. Huh~?Leo questioned what just happen. How to get girl's? Eric says like it was his hundredth time he said it. Well I don't know the girls come to me like I'm lord or something... At the same time Eric and Leo laugh as the bell rings. End of lunch huh?Well now I have to go to work what a bore... Hey Leo lets hang out after school today!` Sorry but I still have to pack. This was an answer he didn't have to put in thought for Eric. Oh Well suit yourself, Eric shrugs as they walk out of the lunch room.
Leo Walked into his last class, eighth period science with Mr. Bernhardt. He starts to wonder what this class will be like for him this year. Then as he looks out the window and sees the blue sky it puts the thought into him that he has not thought about that girl the whole day. He guesses that it's because of how overwhelmed he feels about today and that he just simply has forgotten. As hes pondering this he notices Mr. Bernhardt is starting at him, everyone else too. Leo then realize that he is the only on left to be seated and he hurries to the back where there is and empty seat left.
The whole class was bent on class rules just like every other class he had that day. Although something in this class sparked his interest. A girl with light brown hair, shorter in height than most girls, pale and is sitting staring out the window. He can see what shes doing clearly for shes only 3 rows ahead of him. He watches the girl with the up most interest. I swear I've seen this girl. Maybe when we were young we played together? No that's not it I would of remembered her. AHH who is she!? Who! The bell rings and its the end of class every one gets up including her but shes in more of a hurry. Leo decides to go up to girl hes been stalking for the past hour! But its to late one of their class mate stops her at the door first. Leo decides to wait not sure why this particular girl spark's his interest. Although two girl, another Fan Club starts talking to him and he losses the girl. Disappointed Leo Walks out side still surrounded by the fan girls but as he does his eyes beet with the short brown haired girl. He blushes showing how moved he was by her gazes. With out thinks he finds himself walking to her. Leo notices this shocks her and she gets away. Hes about to tell her to stop but its to late shes already gone. At least he knows the girl is in his science class and he has all the time to talk to her.
When Leo gets home he goes straight to his room. He tells his grandparents he won't need dinner tonight because he has to much work to do. They look disappointed but they nod in an agreement. When he reaches his room Leo right away drops onto his bed. He is over come to what has happen in only one day and he cant stop thinking out that girl. His chest gets heavy all of a sudden as he clutches his chest his pain gets worst. No I cant fall for a girl like her I have to keep the girl in my memories close. He thinks of the girl from his class again how pretty she looked as she look at the sky then shakes it of. No I told my self never to get involved with girls. The whole rest of the time he thinks about this situation until he's fast asleep.
![]() linsey drummon Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
It's really cute too >u<