The elven girl was beautiful, as she walked along the path in the woods, that led away from her village. she was the daughter of the cheif, but also their best warrior. Her family were the only elves in the town that had glowing jade eyes, and silver hair. the rest of them were usualy bore blue or brown eyes, and had more human hair colors.
The girl's name was Tera, after the Earth, and her last name was Aleanraheal, it ment the Noble line of the Gods. Her great grandmother always told her a an old story passed down through her family, that they were actualy the decendants of nobles, that their ancestors started the noble Elven race, but Tera always though it a meer fairy tale that she liked to tell to her and her brother at night.
She sighed then she heard her brother calling behind her as he ran down the path to catch up to her. they had both seen the dragon crash on the near by mountain, and Tera had wanted to go investigate, she felt it her duty, and also she was curious. she thought it had looked slightly deformed on the leg.
"Sister! A girl shouldn't be investigating something so dangerous by herself!" Her twin, Baelhar walked beside her. He was weaker than her, but strong in magic. She had been born first, and he second. it was unfourtunate according to the elders of the village, that their next leader was to be a woman, but she had worked hard, and earned their respect, though they were still a bit wary about her leading one day.
"Baelhar, its obviously dead, dragons don't usualy crash into a mountain..." She told him as they climbed the mountain path, able to do it easily from playing here as children, and training here aswell. "Plus, a dragons fangs make good weapons... I would like to have a sword made from one of its largest."
"That is so selfish." Baelhar shook his head, he admired his sisters courage and strength, and thought her suitable, he was the only one who believed she could fufill the elders requirements. "Scales make good armour."
"Good idea! if we find it, I think I will get a couple of the men to help me bring all the useful items back." she said happily, and they continued to climb the mountain.
"Ah... its huge!" Baelhar exclaimed as they finally came apon the crash site of the dragon. he looked apon the beast admirngly as he studied it with his eyes. he walked closer to it to get a better look, and Tera smiled, then looked around. She sniffed the air, most of the blood stench was the dragons, but there was another, it was faint... She looked around the area, and walked around to the other side of the dragon, and gasped.
"Brother! Hurry over here!" She ran over to the fallen soldier who lay bleeding on the rock. She looked him over, there was a head wound, "Best not to touch him..."
"What is i-- OH! A human? but... so far away from their own land..." He walked over, and saw the head wound. "Oh, I can heal that for him, but I don;t know when he will wake up..."
"Baelhar, just do it, then we can take him down to the village..." She looked up at her brother who nodded and kneeled next to the human. he studied the wound, then placed a hand over his wound, and a soft glowing green light emitted from his fingers, and flowed into the man. his flesh heald over, he looked over the rest of him, but found nothing visable to him now. "Well he should be ok to move now..."
"Well then lets get on this. We will have to send people up here for the dragon parts, but this man needs Granny's special soup and a nice bed." Tera said as she pulled the humans arms around her neck, and she stood up, and grunted under the weight of the human man.
"Are you going to be ok? I can carry him..." Baelhar said, watching his sister adjust the man on her back, and he saw her eyes look at him, and an eyebrow raise.
"Of coarse I can, and I can do it better than you, remember, I'm stronger, brother." She smiled at him then started back down the mountain with her heavy load, and Baelhar followed after her quickly.
It took a while, but they were finally at the village gate, and Baelhar pushed it open for his sister. the guards rushed towards them, and studied the human on Tera's back.
"M'lady, is that a human?" One asked and she nodded her head. "But, why is he here, and why do you have him on your back? do you want us to take him?"
"Unconcious, but I got him, I'm taking him to Granny Lafnes." She smiled, and she walked along the village path, getting many stares from everyone. Baelhar was following behind her, wondering why his sister even bothered to help the human, how could they be sure that he wouldn't try to lop off all the eleven heads around him, when he woke up. He sighed, at least she was kind.
"Granny...?" Tera pushed the door open to the dwelling of the village's eldest woman. She was respected among the Elders, and often looked to for advice from them. apprently they had all once chased after her in their younger days. The woman walked out from a back room. her eyes a striking bright blue, and her hair a light brown. She had wrinkles, but stood with good poise. She certainly looked old yes, but her posture said she still felt young. She took a look at the unconcious human, and without a word from Tera, she knew exactly what the man needed, and she gestured to the neatly made bed in the corner of the kitchen, and she went to the stove. Tera walked over to the bed, and lowered the human onto it, and made sure he was on his back. She looked down at him, her hand son her hips as Baelhar walked over.
"Perhaps we should take his armour off?" He asked, and Tera looked at him, and shook her head. "What?"
"I am not taking it off, you can. I carried him here." She told her brother, and she sat down on a chair at the table in the kitchen while Granny made some of her herbal soup that was gaurenteed to make anyone feel like a million gold. She cracked her neck and looked at the old elf as she pulled out her ingrediants from her herbal cabnit.
"Fine, fine..." Baelhar sighed, and he looked at the man, and started to remove his armour for him.