The ape s**t ramblings of a Canadian high schooler!
I've decided to stop using my journal as a rest place for my not even half-finished stories and start using it like a proper journal. Instead of stories I metaphorically pulled out of my a**, it's stories that I pulled out of life's a**.
Prepare to
One down, Two to go
I finished my English exam today and am I glad for it. I've got my French nad English exams to go then I get Six days off including weekends. I would really appreciate some words of luck for my upcoming exams.
I know how you feel. My last midterm is tomorrow, for Bio. Although everything but Global was easy. Global was the teacher's fault because he didn't cover all of the necessary material stare Six days off? I only get 4. btw, compliment doesn't have an 'a'. Just a helpful hint wink
Pixee Shoal's an anagram, so just remember it's an anagram for you and Acidic Cynic. An anagram for two of my Gaiafriends.
flying_wings · Community Member · Wed Jan 25, 2006 @ 10:57pm