OhMyGod...Lenny, every time I read this I almost feel like crying!! Okay, let me comment on everything you wrote in order:

1. I feel like I don't deserve her love!

Okay, that is flat-out wrong. You are absolutely worthy, don't ever doubt that! Sometimes I feel like I'm not worthy of your friendship! And I compliment you obsessively because it is near impossible to put everything that is wonderful and amazing and beautiful and damn near perfect about you in just one comment.

2. She's like a sister to me!

I'm so glad you striked that out, because you aren't like a sister, you are my sister. I won't even add the unbiological part, because it's too long of a word xD I even consider you my sister! You can trust me with anything, I will stand by you forever, and I will love and accept you no matter what, even after I heard about your almost-sex with Zach. Believe me, Hon, even I have had phone sex with Will xD Nobody is perfect.


I do! And I love how you say that. Because of this common faith, now we can connect on an even deeper level. I'll tell you one thing about my beliefs: I do not believe in a Hell. If there was a Hell to go to for all of our sins, no one would get into Heaven. I believe that Hell is an experience on Earth, one where you have lost sight of God. In my opinion, Hell is the absence of Christ in a baptized person (I say in a baptized person because Athiests are different. it's hard for me to explain, but I think that Athiests, as well as those who worship other idols, are in a place between. They will still go to Heaven, but their experience isn't Hell, but rather one without Heaven or Hell. LOL as I said, it is a little complicated, but i believe every religion should beb loved, because in certain ways, they all pertain to the same God, even Hinduism. They worship gods like Vishnu the Protector and Shiva the Destroyer and Krishna the...something, but ultimately, if you think about it, it's basically worshipping our god, but in more than one God. Our God came about the same way as their multiple Gods did, and our god does everything that their God does. Hinduism, or course, is not accurate, because the Bible says that there is only One God, but the more i think about it, the more it makes perfect sense. To me at least, I could be wrong on many levels about this, but it's just my personal theory.
Sorry about my rant xD All in all, I think that us sharing a religion is an amazing thing, because that way I can share more with you than I'd normally share with anyone else!

Lenny, I will love you forever, and pretty soon I'll be able to see you again! Can't wait till next septemberrr!!!! <3 <3