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Random Stuff, Thoughts and drabble X3
This really is for my Bffs at school to read, but other people can read it too xD
Social Life, Ninjas and ...Fish?
Well today was a boring day!! I did nothing today except for the internet, read House of Night, and play Fishville on FaceBook!! blaugh Ohh what a wonderful socail life I have!!

~A Day in the Life of Me (on a weekend)~
Jenna gets up..
Jenna doent bother getting dressed and moaps around the house in PJs
Jenna eats
Jenna watchs T.v
Jenna goes on the internet and stays on till 1o'clock at night
Jenna goes to bed
~ The End xp ~

Im downloading a new Anime at the moment, ummm I forget how to spell it but it has something to do with ninjas ninja

I heart ninja s blaugh Their SMEXY!!

My pretend fish in FishVille are so cute!! Much more cuter then my real fish in my room 3nodding

Ahh damm I have to cleam those damed fish out... scream

Later xxx heart blaugh

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Halfling Heroine
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 06, 2009 @ 07:03pm
*high fives* Sounds like EXACTLY the same day I had,with one or two differences
Ellen changed into old jeans plus top.
Ellen didn't get to go on facebook because male parent ordered her to hover.
Ellen let her irl fish die years ago due to being lazy and generally not giving a damn.

The rest is pretty much the same,internet all day and house of night.Yay for boring days and no social life!=D

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