Name: Hinamori, Mina (last name, first name)
Age: ....uh.....
Gender: Female
Family: Ummm...
Info: Mina was never really very popular. Not many seemed to want to be around her much, though she never could understand why since it wasn't like she was rude or anything. She loves music, she loves rock and tends to listen to a lot of music. She wishes she could be a singer but understands that its far out of her reach and if the people around her don't like her she figures there's no way people would like any music she makes. But she still enjoys listening to music a lot of the time. She has one thing from when she was a kid, her stuffed rabbit, though now she tends to use it to keep her temper down. When she gets mad she tends to take it out on the poor stuffed toy but better that than other people. She does has a pair of wings tattooed to her back, though she doesn't show them off to often.

Her with white hair:

(art not mine)