A house, A home...
Where the love is paused
and lips are mute,
Where the laughter is gone
and smiles are hid.
A Life, A Soul...
To show no feeling
and speak no words,
To remain in the past
and forget the future,
To stay in one time all alone.
A Frown, A Tear...
When eyes are dull
and cheeks are moist,
When a smile is no longer found
and all thoughts lay in Despair...
A house, A home...
Where the love is paused
and lips are mute,
Where the laughter is gone
and smiles are hid.
A Life, A Soul...
To show no feeling
and speak no words,
To remain in the past
and forget the future,
To stay in one time all alone.
A Frown, A Tear...
When eyes are dull
and cheeks are moist,
When a smile is no longer found
and all thoughts lay in Despair...