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Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female
Special Abilities: Mind searcher
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Birthdate: March, 14th
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Hair reaches shoulder. Bangs cover one of her eyes.
Eye color: Left green eye [Your right] Her right eye is hidden by her hair. [Your left]
Characteristics: Emotionless, Intelligent, Misunderstood.
Brief Summary: A girl who can't speak because of an accident when she was younger. She tends to act immature by her body language to make up for her disastrous childhood.
Gender: Female
Special Abilities: Mind searcher
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Birthdate: March, 14th
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Hair reaches shoulder. Bangs cover one of her eyes.
Eye color: Left green eye [Your right] Her right eye is hidden by her hair. [Your left]
Characteristics: Emotionless, Intelligent, Misunderstood.
Brief Summary: A girl who can't speak because of an accident when she was younger. She tends to act immature by her body language to make up for her disastrous childhood.