I'm bored! ya know, i like journals! You know why?
THEY GIVE OUT GOLD!!!!!!!!!! YAh! That's right. people with journals, am i correct? i hope soooooooooooo...
xd Yah... stare stare stare I loooooooooove the staring game. although i loose most of the time(read my profile...you'll understand.) cuz my eye contact isn't as good. that's right. my voice teacher says i need to work on that. xp it's hard for me. trust me.
My friends say i can be annoying some times...in a good way. *poke* see? I poke, giggle, lol, and lots of other stuff, partly because they usually start it. then they say i go overboard. then i make a joke saying: OH NO! I'm drowning!!!! HELP!!!! NO!!!!!! my dear friends!!!!!! OH!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!! *sinks* although i'm a good swimmer. imagine that the waves were like, 100 ft tall, ok? I love making fantasies and weird stories like that. they are usually short. duh! The one hear is like, short! Am i correct. i think i am. now let's get to buisness!
Quest time!
Blue forbidden skirt
Kiki kitty
Wind security blanket
somethin' kewl.
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★ 夢の奇蹟 ★ Art.in.Variety | & you
Visit my friends' shops~ <3
★ 夢の奇蹟 ★ Art.in.Variety | & you