Ohai, everyone that cared to come here and read this.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <-- Border lololololo.
You may have noticed and do not care anyway, but if you do, or for some other reason like you were bored and looked for something to do and stumbled upon this journal entry. Then I will explain as much as I can remember with my bad sleepy brain.
As you may have noticed I may have not been very "active" lately on gaia, haven't been talking to any of you that much, or hanged out in any kind of possible way.
Well. It happen's to be like this, that I have known for a long time. And always been kept reminded of this matter every day by my parents.
That I can't stay up this late to talk or hang with any of you like this anymore. And in that case I need to move on with my life, and start making my future brighter out there in the real life.
-Sigh- Which means, that these journal entries that I'm planning to write an make atleast every week I am alive, are going to be the only way you get to know me further or how I've been feeling, doing. Such crap...
Some may not even "g.a.s" which is just a for short thingy I just came up with on 3 seconds. g.a.s = gas = give a s**t. >.>
But I am doing these stuffz entries, just in case if you care and do want. Any other reason... well I actually don't gas myself either. xD....<.<... D:....<.<.... D;..... <_<.... Dx.... <_________<........x-x.
Another reason tho, that I hate for doing this is that. Moust of all you people I know here, on gaia, msn, or from some other shietz that no one have ever heard about. Are how should I say... actually people I cry about for not being able to just talk to them. Because I feel like everyone I have irl, are not like any of you.
Their moust just either of the following; boring,emotioncold,stupid, not that kind of person that asks how your day have been (thats what I am asking them probably everytime I meet them but they never ask back. ._.), or too immature.
And by talking to all of you makes my day alot happier, it made my day complete too know that so many cared for me and gave me such nice compliments. I love you all for that. u.u heart
And by leaving everyone of those, and much more. Makes me more depressed then I have ever been in a very long time. @.@ It was not easy, but I can make sure that I have been rejecting this option. In a very very long time, and I have been starting discover and realize that I cannot go on like this anymore.
It's slowly killing me from the inside..
But I will always remember the awesome hyperactive funny random times I ever had with you all, and those that were just crap as well. Gotta remember those too, no racism here. <---- [Fail jokes is just complete fail]
As for this next week that comes I will start school and its another reason why I wont be on as much or so. I need to focus on my real life, homework, studies and yadda yadda. Boring stuff that makes me sound like a complete nerd or teacher whore... or something. I don't know -_- But I need to focus on such things, and more. :/
heart Hate me or love me, that's yours to decide. heart
I will always remember this place, and the people I used to love, and still love. It is unforgettable, if I didn't get my brain sucked up by evil scientists or aliens. Then I got a pretty logical and scientifical reason why I didn't.
Oh... also... many of you all are people I would love to have and live with in real life. Go out and have fun and such, when I think on that. It's another reason why I have to stop this, and try to find the people that are like you guys. But as I said I will never forgett or stop loving you, if your not very mean of course, but I highly doubt that.
I love you all~ I hope that I could meet some of you atleast once before my life has ended. I will never forget~ espacially those people that affected me the moust. Those who did, all knows it deep inside of them~
~Good bye~ and good luck in all of your lifes~
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Music listen'd too while writing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLxlc_83zU0
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Stuff I write and no one seem to read but myself for some reason so I wont write more cause it seems to be unnecesary. .3.
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._. What did you expect? <.<
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Imma miss yooou ; ;
I has a facebook if you ever make one!