The task was simple. Write a speech in the persona of Scott Hastings from 'Strictly Ballroom'. Now since I dislike this character so much I decided to write a speech that just draws out all the characters flaws. Scott in the beginning came across as an up-himself git. So I kept him in that frame of mind throughout this speech.  Scott/Fran THE SPEECH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G’day, I’m Scott Hastings. Throughout my career as a dancer I’ve discovered that breaking the rules can be both fun and rewarding. Through breaking the rules I was able to meet my girlfriend Fran and cement my place as a Pan Pacific Champion
I’m not saying you should all do that same thing, you can’t all become great like me, but you can make a difference by doing what you think is right or cool even though everyone else says otherwise. By doing this you’ll either be recognised for your greatness or be alienated, shunned and die alone. Either way someone wins.
Now here’s the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down and I’d like to take a minute just sit down there, I’ll tell you how I became the prince of the Pasadoblay.
All my life I was told how to dance, eat, live, by my controlling mother. If I took one step off the path she’d laid out for me she’d chuck a temper tantrum the likes of which you have never seen. In the end I made myself conform to her standards to save everyone’s ears and sanity. Even though I was being recognised for my overwhelming talent I never felt that I truly belonged in the world of glitter, make up and sequins. While I was ballroom dancing all I really wanted to do was shake my money maker to a different beat.
The day I decided to show the world my greatness was what mu mother called “The day Scott went bat-s**t crazy”. One minute I had my arms around a little feathered twig, the next I was swinging her above my head. It was amazing! I was amazing! I blew the audience away with my amazing-ness! Too bad I also blew the brains of the judges though, because the next day my partner left me, the federation sent my warnings, my mother wouldn’t look at me, my life had hit rock bottom. Never had I felt more alone, I no longer belonged in y click, but then I met the doormat of my dreams.
Sure she wasn’t what my mum would call ‘The prettiest hog at the fair’ and she didn’t wear the appropriate attire, but she did everything I told her and that’s what I like in a woman. I felt like I belonged again, not in the same sense since Fran just followed me around like she…well she didn’t have a mind of her own, why would she when she had me? She was so desperate for my approval she would jump off a bridge if I told her to.
Anyway, when Fran and I danced at the Pan Pacific my amazing-ness rubbed off on her and she became a beautiful accessory on my arm as I showed the world I once belonged to how much better I am then them. I got my revenge on the federation, there isn’t a word that describes the amount of shame and ‘egg-on-face’ they were feeling.
No longer was I a part of their lame world! I started my own revolution. I destroyed their cardboard castle walls, dethroned their leader, got loot and gained s**t loads of exp.
In conclusion being different from the group can give you many benefits, such as fame and respect. While I know a lot of you drooling idiots will not take my spectacular speech to heart, I know you’ll treasure this day since you got to gaze upon my handsome face. smile
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T.Strange · Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 04:56am · 0 Comments |