Name-Elizabeth Marie Thompson Age- 12 race-human

Name- Mariko Age- 9 Race- Neko -------------------------

Name- Sarah Ann Freewall Age- Eight Race- Half angel

Name- Alexandra Elaine Vermette (Lexi-Alex-Alexis) Age- 10 Race- human ---------------------

Name- Rena Age- 11 Race- human ------------------
 (Older brother Can be played by someone else. I make guys look gay. Note he is protective and pampers his little sister. He had to take the role of being the parent so he knows basic home tasks and how to cook) Name- Jacob Voight Age- 15-16 Race- human
Name- Maria Voight Age- 10 Race- Human -----------------------

Name- Anabell Age- seven Race- Human

Name- Clairese (Clair) Age- 14 Race- Human --------------------------

Name- Moira Age- 6 Race- human

Name- Shirley Age- 8 Race- human
TsunKitty · Wed Feb 17, 2010 @ 10:04pm · 0 Comments |