Fast and furious, I just watched the 4th one like 2 hours ago. I watched the Making of, first look blah blah stuff the other day and since then I've been thinking how cool it would be to be in one. But you know since america's selfish, the storyline would be focused around meh or whoever this character I have created would be. So in the 5th fast and furious I imagined, Dom would be free and watnot. So for watever reason, him and his sister and that cop would come to my or my character's (doesn't have to be meh) garage. and m.c. (stands for my character) would be happy to see dom and his sister and vice versa. m.c. would be like "i heard about letty and han. im sorry." and dom would be like "yea, I figured you'd be one of the first ppl to know about it." M.c. is like super well connected like she's a teenager but she's a mega computer wiz, hacking into top secret stuff, and she has her own garage, her own crew who pulls off histes (?) or whatever. So Dom and them kind of raised her cause she lost her parents at a rlly young age and she knew her dad always went to Dom's shop so that's how they took her in. So Dom's like a father or older brother figure and watches after her. So to the full extent of meh story, there's a kid in her crew that she's getting "close" to and Dom doesn't like it and acts fatherly and watever but she's like whatever. They cool off after accouple of days and she tells Dom she's heading to tokyo to meet up with han's group. she goes with the guy she's getting "close" to cause he's asian or watever and when they get there he said he got them a ride and it turns out he was kidnapping her. he video-streams a threat video to dom saying if he doesn't pull off a big histe m.c. was playing to do and ship it over with the shipment m.c. was bringing over for han's group, he'll turn everyone in. and m.c. is all beat up and bloody but she tells dom, she's strong and to not worry about it cause her crew knows wat to do in a situation like this but then the asian dude's like don't you think after being in your crew for # months I wouldn't think of that. and he did something so the crew wont find out and that's as far as I've gotten with that so yea. what'd ya think? and although you guys didn't reply, I'm staying at my current school.
thinmint94 · Sun Feb 28, 2010 @ 04:58am · 0 Comments |