Long Time, No Rant
Hello to all you who bother to read this crap. Alright, where to start. I haven't used this little journal thing to it's maximum effectivness, so, from now on, I'm going to try and find something to rant about each week. This week's topic? Gimme a minute...Alright, People. I know, little cliched, but, what the hell, it's my journal. Okay, people. I think I know why people have so many problems, its because of other people. Think about it. If you really think on it, I'd bet most of your problems can be traced back to people, or at the very least, a person. If only we never had to deal with other people. I know, yes, it wouldn't be very fun, eahc of us would be totally alone, but just think, no wars, no arguments, no divorce, and no marriage for that matter. No traffic, god how blessed would that be? No competition for jobs. But, the more I think on it, the more I start to think that each of us is our own biggest problem. I know that I've gotten in my way a lot of times. I mean, who the hell do I think I am?! So, ultimately, I think if we have to blame someone, it should be us. Goodnight.