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A Wonderland-full Memory: Epilogue Part one
Clarisse: *Falling* Raaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! *falls on a mattriss then falls to the floor* OWW!!!
Guard: Hmm? Young lady, how did you get in here?
Clarisse: *Calmed down* I... I dont remember...
Guard: Hm.... Why don't you come with me? I'm sure our Queen will know what to do.
Clarisse: ...Ok.
Two: *go to the castle of the White Queen*
Guard: Your magesty. I found this young lady. She's not sure how she got here.
White Queen: ...She may not, but her other self does....
Clarisse: Huh?
Whie Queen: *staring at her*
Clarisse: *splits again* What are you staring at, lady?!
White Queen: You. Why did you come here to Wonderland?
Clarisse: To escape that stupid brat everyone calls my sister!!
While Queen: ...Escape?
Clarisse: Yes! She won't stop torturing me!!
White Queen: And you think Wonderland is the key?
Clarisse: Of course it is!
White Queen: Then you won't be leaving?
Clarisse: NEVER!
White Queen: Then you leave me no choise... I must not have you here, you will cause trouble for us all. *regrest this greatly* You must be banished to the Horridlands.
Claisse: Both of us? *smirks*
White Queen: ...Yes.... *lowers her head* Please learn to forgive me...
Clarisse: *is taken to the horridlands* Fine! I can live here!! *storms off*
After a While...
Clarisse: *is covered in black and white stripes and is calmed down* What happened to me?! Why?! Why am I stripped?!
???: That is the effect of the Horridlands.
Clarisse: *turns around* Wh-Who are you?
Red Queen: I am the Red Queen. Come with me child, I can give you a proper home.
Clarisse:.... Alright, your magesty.