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Xion's journal
I am alone
I hate this strange feeling.......
I can't comprehend what it is.....
I've been pushing aside my real feelings for so long.......
just to try and keep people happy........
but yet,
things always end up my own fault in the end.........

I've lied to all of you.....
My real feelings......
When I say I'm ok....
When I fake I smile.....
I'm always crying on the inside.....
I try to be strong......
But I can't hide it any more........
I'm worthlesss......
I can do nothing right.........
Its always my fault......

I've made so many mistakes.....
I turned away from this world.......
now I'll just stay in my little world of kingdom hearts.......
the only world I can't screw up in......

I'm a peice of trash in this little world.........
I am truely worthless..........

User Comments: [3]
Community Member

Sun May 09, 2010 @ 05:39pm

Chantay don't say that O.o now your sounding like me but in my own little happy Mitchell Sasuke Zelda land rolleyes *sigh* I think I'm a mistake and blah blah blah in the world O.o (now I made a BIG HUGE Mistake with the love of my life >.< wink but really? I'm not smart so can't think of something to say after that like smart people do eek so I'm sorry for this to! I'm mostly sorry for being stupid and blah blah blah for me and being a mistake and junk >.< I go alone with the wrong path and I always do but you know you gotta end up with your true friends (here comes the "huh?" moment -.- idk what I am saying O.o) you know our family/group is ALWAYS (I do mean A-L-W-A-Y-S) their for you... even the people in the group you think is not!!!! Like you may think some people (not gonna say any names *cough* Mitchell * cough*) is not their for ya but they just may have other issue's that they may put aside for ya and help you solve it! TRUST ME!!!! I may have only been in this group for... let me think... the what 3erd or 2end or idk whatever week of school but still I see you all care and love! ^.^ So trust me on this we can help and everything! By the way sorry for making NO sense at all blaugh

Angel Kingsleigh
Community Member

Sun May 09, 2010 @ 05:55pm

Rawr, no Rin, no! You can do plenty right! And you are not worthless, look how many people love you!
Why deny your feelings? It makes it worse in the end!
And how are you keeping us happy by pretending? You pretending has done more harm than good!

Kingdom Hearts world is a good place to be, but not for hiding from everything and everyone!!

Earls_Ciel Alois
Community Member

Sun May 09, 2010 @ 06:07pm

such deep feeling in you poetry, but one thing is for sure. You are not worthless. You are true importance you are just as much worth something in great deal. Never put you self down just to make others happy,it is alright to let you guard down for a while, it is alright to open up. It is not always alright to keep to your self, though there are times where it is alright, where you need that one true place of true escape for the world around one's self. Try not to do it all the times though or you will lose track of reality and we don't want that. No one will judge you for your ture feelings becuse it is you, and you should always embrace you with open and caring arms.

User Comments: [3]