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TwilightRain's Journal of Happenings
so i herd u leik mudkips
User ImageName: Reno

Age: Unknown [appears in the 20s]

Gender: Male

Personality: Highly curious, courageous

Likes: Gambling, drinking, watching reruns of Touched by an Angel

Dislikes: Talking about his old job, annoying people, bad fashion

Background: Reno is a fish-out-of-water demon trying to become an angel again. In order to restore his former status, God has assigned him the task of becoming a guardian angel for the unfortunate little girl, Nikki.

Additional Detail: His name is derived from where the story takes place, in Reno, Nevada. Lacking imagination, when Nikki first meets Reno, she decides to name him so due to not liking his real name, Renatus ["born again"].

He has been around ever since angels were created and was part of the one-third that deviated from God in favor of Satan.

His inquisitive nature comes from the fact that he wants to know every detail about the earth and humans. He never really took the time to explore the world until now.

Because of his location and inherently sinful ways, he enjoys taking part in Nevada's nightlife and the frequent trips to Las Vegas.

His only form of instruction from God is watching CBS' drama Touched by an Angel, which he doesn't mind.

Reno wears casual clothing when outside, but prefers his default attire if he has the choice. In order to disguise his odd appearance, he wears sunglasses and headphones, even indoors. He passes it off as some sort of medical condition which people usually buy.

His former occupation was being an incubus. He's not sure if he liked or detested it.

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