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View User's Journal

My Life
My Little Anita
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Once upon a time, you were a little girl....
Filled with rainbows and fantasies....
Looking for that prince you were,
looking for that happily ever after,

I didn't believe in such idiotic things,
I didn't want to see the beauty in angel wings,
But then your smile brought into life the wonder of laughter
The happiness of feeling, the cool azure,

I had forsaken that, I didn't give it a thought,
I thought it would always be there,
Shining over and protecting this diamond in the rough,
But it turns out that someone else has found your worth,
And has excavated, extracted, and unearthed,
the dearest treasure, the one that help me desert and rebirth,
the ancient Ben that had no hope,
And now as I try hard to keep you in my life,
I think it's too late, I think you're gonna end up that lame guy.

User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Thu Jun 24, 2010 @ 10:07am

This is a really good journal. I will never leave you and I want you to always remember that. I am not even sure that I might go with this guy. I am still not sure if i like him. You have been trying to protect me and that's a good thing. Maybe though it's time for me to fly with my wings. smile haha

User Comments: [1]