Well here we go again with the journal(:
Aren't you just thrilled!?! Gah i was hoping to have something important to say.....
Well Gaia has once again sucked me back into getting on it daily which no I am not proud of in the least bit. =.='
Ya know what you should comment this like 1,000 times (: ok maybe not that many but at least once it would give me the happiness(:
hmmm i need a catch phrase....kinda like my RL one you get it cuz it funny.
emoticon time :O
Aren't you just thrilled!?! Gah i was hoping to have something important to say.....
Well Gaia has once again sucked me back into getting on it daily which no I am not proud of in the least bit. =.='
Ya know what you should comment this like 1,000 times (: ok maybe not that many but at least once it would give me the happiness(:
hmmm i need a catch phrase....kinda like my RL one you get it cuz it funny.
emoticon time :O
biggrin smile redface stare xd 3nodding blaugh gonk scream stressed sweatdrop heart emo xp whee wink sad surprised eek confused cool lol mad razz cry evil evil twisted rolleyes exclaim mrgreen neutral arrow idea question ninja 4laugh rofl pirate talk2hand wahmbulance dramallama cheese_whine burning_eyes
Well I love you my little sunflower seeds i'll lick the salt off of you before i crack you open...and eat you! >:U
Well I love you my little sunflower seeds i'll lick the salt off of you before i crack you open...and eat you! >:U