The Search for Scamper
I couldn't post this earlier because of the problems with the Journals. Three days ago, I managed to aquire a near complete Generation 1 Metroplex. He had all his accessories except for Scamper. Ever since then, I've been searching eBay for the little guy. I was hoping to find an auction that had him complete (body, right arm, left arm, and gun) but I only found auctions that sold him by the piece. I'll just hold off and see if a better auction presents itself.
In a similar related note, my WST Dinobot Snal arrived in the mail the same day I purchased Metroplex. I'm really impressed with the job JUSTITOYS did. Every feature from the metallic gold plats, the clear dino head, and the cockpit are all presented but in a smaller scale. He's even die-cast metal (something that the original WST were not). I can't wait for the next WST Dinobot, SLAG!