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Chapter One: I'm Not Waving

*~Sakura's Pov ~*

Ah there it is Konoha High, Wow kinda looks like a dump nvermind I'm sure a pretty and probably soon to be popular girl like me can brighten the place up. I stop and wait outside of the gates and wait to see if theres anybody actually worthy of being the first to show me around and become a friend. (Big Head Much?... Lol Jokes!)


I turn to see who's crap a** car is annoying me with the damn honking and then my jaw hit the floor there a couple of feet away sat a gorgeous Mercedes SL500 the blond girl driving it flicked her wrist oh she's waving! I smile and wave back and then she rolls down her window and shouts out.

"I'm not waving to you I'm asking you to move I can't get parked with you standing there!"

Wow smooth Sakura smooth I move out of the way with a quick 'sorry' she parks and steps out her car. She has long blonde hair tied in a high ponytail with a bang hanging around her face and deep blue eyes. Okay so she's obviously rich with that car and popular with thoose looks and the money combined. Hello! I think I just found my ticket to popularity!

"So why were you standing in the middle of the parking lot?"

"Sorry I didn't know I was I'm new here you see -"

"Oh fresh meat how cute! The names Ino Yamanaka (?) and you are?.."

"Sakura Haruno nice to meet you"

"You got your schedule yet?"

"No I don't know my way to the office"

"No worries I'll show you around you can tell me how you get your hair to sit like that on the way there"

Yes score one for Sakura, My first friend just happens to be as obsessed with looks as I am and I have reason to beleive she's popular ah this is turning into such a good first day.

*~ Naruto's Pov ~*

"Ahhhhhh teme slow the ******** car down! OMG watch out for the old lady!"

"Why she's lived her life" Luckily for the old lady I know how to get Sasuke to slow down or stop this car with a swift movement my hand effectively cups him in a very private place and squeezes and sure enough the car comes to a halt a few feet away from a very shocked looking old lady.

"Dobe I suggest you let go unless you want me to rape you right here right now in the middle of the road" Pfft didn't need to tell me twice I let go and he starts driving again but not without a warning from me telling him not to speed... again.

Finally we reached school and enter the parking lot only expensice cars are aloud to park in here I don't know why though I remember one time I parked my cool (rusty) automobile (pick-up truck) in the parking lot and after school I came out to find it clamped yes clamped all because it didn't cost an arm and a leg. I couldn't afford to have it un-clamped so my speed machine got crushed. I still keep a picture in my wallet to remember the good ol' times.

Looks like Ino's already here but she normally waits for us outside her car. She's probably off checking her make-up honestly girls I just don't get I think thats why I'm gay.

"Dobe are you gonna get out yourself or do I have to drag you out?"

"Piss off teme I'm coming and don't you dare and any dirty comments to that"

"Wouldn't dream of it" and then a nearly incoherant "Wouldn't mind you cumming either" I decide to let it slip... for now.

In the distance I hear very loud engine noises and screaming 'Itachi and Hiromi are here' Yeah Itachi's Sasuke's older brother and Hiromi's my older sister. Sasuke and Itachi are almost like identical twins except of course the age difference and Itachi has longer hair and he's a lot more scary. While me and Hiromi are totally different I took after my dad with the bright blonde hair and blue eyes and Hiromi got my mothers looks dark red hair sitting staright and peircing red eyes. Thats why I don't get picked on people are far too scared of my sister. Itachi and Hiromi have been dating since their freshman years just like me and Sasuke It's weird but I just think that us Uzumaki's have an attraction to Uchiha's.

That's when 'The Beast' arrived. No I'm not talking my sister I'm talking about Itachi's car It's a Lamborghini Gallardo y'now the one with the weird doors but yeah he drives just as bad as Sasuke maybe even worse. Itachi parked the car and out stepped a slightly rumpled Hiromi and a slightly more pale than usual Itachi.

"Okay either you guys just had sex or Hiromi just proved how scary she can be"

"The latter" Itachi snorted "First choice would have been better though"

"Your such a pervert 'Tachi" Hiromi crossed her arms

"Yeah but you love me baby" Itachi grabbed a quick kiss I wonder what Hiromi did to make the Uchiha that pale.

*~ Hiromi's Pov ~* (10 minutes earlier)

"I swear to whoever's listening that Uchiha's should'nt be aloud to drive!"

Omg I think I'm going to die no seriously I'm going to die I don't want to die I'm to young and I haven't even had children yet! Alright this needs to stop right now!

"Itachi if you don't slow this mother ******** car down I will rip off your balls throw them on the ground and squish them right in front of you then I'll take youur d**k and shove it so far up your a** you'll be sucking yourself off!"

Ha that worked I think he's driving under the speed limit now, finally now I can enjoy a nice car ride with my ever so sexy boyfriend Itachi Uchiha well the only time I call him Itachi is when I'm pissed normally I call him 'Tachi or babe just depends on the mood I'm in at the time. Thank god we're here! Aw isn't that cute the littilest Uzumaki and the littilest Uchiha makes me giggle everytime.

*~ Sasuke Pov ~*

Ugh I hate standing outside waiting for everyone I just get so bored and everytime I try to molest Naruto he hits me or his sister hits me and when Itachi tries to molest Hiromi he gets the same treatment so me and my brother have to wallow in self pity while waiting for the others and by others I mean.

Shikamaru - Genious but a lazy son of a b***h

Temari- Shika's Girl all around hard a**

Gaara- Freaky pshyco panda

Lee- Gaara's Youthful boyfriend

Shino-Quiet Bug guy

Kiba-Loud mouth smartass/Shino's b***h

Sasori-Queit Puppet dude

and Deidara- Loud, Lady looking and Sasori's uke

And thats everyone I suppose well except Ino but she's just a typical girl only single one with us and I only know this because she complains about every god damn day! It's not my fault she's like the only lesbian in the school honestly what am I meant to do about it? According to the rest of the school were the popular group I think it's 'cause we are all super sexy and have money. Itachi and Hiromi are at the top of the food chain with them being the best looking and possibly the scariest and toughest ones here but me and Naruto come in close second so I don't care.

I don't have to wait long before the others arrive all in their pairs with the seme's driving I don't know why but it's like a rule not to let the uke drive. They arrived not a momnet too soon because the bells gonna go in 5..4..3..2..1..


Well lets get the first day of hell over with.