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i love all my friends, family, and love my baby
RIP Mulan
RIP Mulan

December 30th, 1999 - August 31st, 2010

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Today I have lost my frist and last best friend in the world. My ever frist pet and friend.....


At the age of 7 I have been very good and learning to take care of the other animals in my home. My folks had told me if i was very good and loved and take care of my animals I would have my very own animal. I waited all year and when Christmas came I got a stocking with cat toys and treats but there was no Christmas kitty in sight. But a letter instead. Telling me Santa left her somewhere for me to find her. My family and I had search and search and just when were about to give up. We found her in a pound. Big round blue eyes full with love and comapsion we all knew she was the one.

On the first night she fitted right at home. For 12 years so much fun so much memories. I will never see it, feel it, love it again. But she will always be in my heart forever.

I love you Mulan and I will miss you now and always.

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