Hihihi! I dunno if anyone is still interested in getting a custom profile done by me, but if so, you're at the right spot! As you know, I used to run a profile shop called next stop, happiness, but I put the shop on hiatus due to lots of schoolwork. But yes, I am in NEED of gold. I want gold for charity funds (I might start one in the summer of 2011), and I also want some nice pretty '04 donation items. To make this clear, if you want to order from me, it'll be a BRIBE. I'm in high school right now, and I need to focus on schoolwork. However, I still want to make gold. So yesyes, you'll have to pay more. (I'm very sorry .___. I wouldn't want to pay more either).
Bribes at least 800k please. I'm sorry for that HUGE amount of gold, but yes, it's a bribe :c OR If you have these items below: Items that I would like
Dainty Porridge
Angelic Scarf
Golden Laurels BOUGHT
I will accept those XD HAHA! I doubt anyone will give me their Angelic Scarf or G. Laurels for a profile T__T But Dainty Porridge? Reasonable. <3 And I really like the Gaia-tan. Ehehe.
So what are you getting? at the moment, I'm too lazy to post up direct links to samples, BUT most of the profiles I have done are found on my deviantart, and also, my current profile can be used as an example.
With this profile being a BRIBE in mind, I can make it how you like it. Just tell me how many sections, give me an image to work with if you have it (with screenshot of proof of permission by original artist) and yeah. HOWEVER, I do have some restrictions.
Restrictions - I do not do flash. I'm sorry. I think Flash is cool, but I have no time to learn it now. - Your image must have permission from the original artist/photographer/creator. Not only is getting the original creator's permission ethical, it is also REQUIRED. If you want, you can go look it up in the rules for the Personalized Graphics forum. It's all there. You NEED to have permission, or I will not work on your order just yet. I will only start when permission has been obtained, and proof has been sent to me. AND it has to be legit proof. Like real legit. LEGIT. <3 - Images. They cannot be provocative, explicit. No nudity. Nothing sexual. I'm sorry for being so uptight, but I am a pretty conservative person.. and I wouldn't like to stare at an image like that for hours as I'm working on your profile :c sorry if it offends you in any way, but I refuse to use images such as the ones I have listed above. - It is not within my ability to make super complex animations :c sorry! But I try my best ;]
Acquiring Permission In case you want some help with obtaining permission, most people go on deviantart (the best place for images by the way!) and they find an image they want to use. Some images (such as stock photos) have rules such as that they will not be allowed to be used outside of deviantart. Those you should not use. But there are some that don't have any specific requests. Although the artist might not have said anything directly about using images, you should note (or private message) the artist through deviantart or through an email address (if provided). If the artist does not allow it, do not pressure them. If they do though, take a screenshot of the entire message and send it to me with your order (:
How to order Since this isn't a shop thread in an actual forum, you will PM the order to me. (: I won't make an actual form.. sometimes I find that my order form confuses people TT__TT Sorry! Haha. Also, there's probably more freedom for you to tell me all the specifics you want and such and such. Things you might want to include in your PM to me: - the overall feel of the profile you want (mellow, calm, colorful, eccentric..etc.)! - image link (if you have one) AND proof (screenshot) of permission. - sections you would like. - and any other specifics you would like! (animations..etc.)
Questions? Just PM me! I don't bite! n__n