Ok. My mom and our newly found friend Kurt Lee, have started a recording studio. Kurt is the man yo. He our engineer designer. Which means he makes the beats, he work the equipment. But the thing bout kurt which really makes him the man is he know eveybody. He work with "The Wire, T.I., Aliysah(sp) Keys, Tami Ari(sp), Mario, Usher." and it goes on. Yo he is the officail voter of ther Grammies Awards. Its mad as hell, free tickets for everybody. It was hard a first cause we needed a place to set up the place. There was a lot of shopping center to rent out but once they heard recording studio and saw that we was black it was like "no way, no loud bad ifluence rap, here".(usually by a asian family. they own like ever shopping center) Finilly we found this spot that use to be a verizo place. We tore the hold thing down leaving nuthing but.....well nothing, we even tore up the floors and interior walls. We have a picture book start to finish. No it done. We had to delay alot of clients like Mario, T.I., and Alysah Keys(she left since it was taking so long). Rigth now it sort of done. We can do everthing but karayoki. Our personal offices aren't hook up. Today I saw Mario for the second time. This time I got a pic and a clip of his up coming song. Mario okay guy but as a singer I think he gay,(but what guys doesn't think he gay. I mean we think this way towards all pop singers besides Micheal Jackson)
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