Xxmaster-DxX91 Wrote: It sounds outrageous right? i thought so too, the same thing happened to me a couple of months ago, untill i found this program, it cost me a like $50, but its so worth it i can hack into the admin panel and give anyone i want any item and any amount of money, all i need is their gaia email with its password, why the password? i need to be able to link your account to the cash generation program, by tommarow morning youll have a very an additional 25k, some people may think this is a scam and beleive me i thought so to, and now i know what your thinking... why me? why in the world would u chose to give me money, well mon cherise, ive been searching through the interest search in the hopes to find a currently online user with common interest,, you can choose to beleive me if you wish if not, quiote frankly your lose, ill give this offer to another gaia, either way have a wonderful evening, and ps if you dont want to engage in this offer dont even bother pming back cuase im all business and i dont want to waste my time byeeeeeeee
my reply ok then i dont want 25k thats bullshit i want millions EMeMENisMyafteRmAtH is my password
im so playin with this b***h no lie hopefully he replys back with your password didnt work so i'll be like oh s**t thats right i changed it then like something long with numbers and s**t in it cant wait