Not only do they put up with me, but on the day before my birthday the three of them picked me up at work and we went out and spent a few hours shenaniganing about, going to my favorite used bookstore and spending the night just playing around before coming home and watching stuff online. It was nice, much nicer then I am able to let them know because I have a really hard time expressing certain feelings I have. And I don't think I could ever let this group know how much I love them, even when I try. You guys are beyond great; please don't ever think your cranky introvert does not love you just because she withdraws and spends too much time in her head. She very much does despite all of that. heart
We went out and ate at my favorite Japanese restaurant in my favorite city ever. The day had all my favorite things that it could possibly have: my friends, happy and laughing, good food at a great place, a tiny road-trip complete with gas station stops (I have this huge thing for gas stations...all of them have different goodies!), used bookstore with pretties to be found and lots and lots of laughter and happy energy. I soak that kind of stuff up like a thirsty sponge. I hoard it greedily and the day was the kind of day that makes me happy just to be alive and makes it worth whatever it took to get there.
Dragon got me a Sun Jar and a battery-operated candle that flickers with blue light as well as light that looks like a candle. It is so, so pretty. I go through candles like mad and have begged for candles from everyone for years; he just went and got lights I could not easily burn through. rofl heart (Edited on June 22, 2011: I would have pictures of both of those but I have already went through all the batteries for BOTH of those particular pretties. @.@ I could not stop using them and did not get pictures while I had batteries. I am such a goober. xD)
And from Cee I got the teeniest, tiniest adorable little crablet EVER. gonk heart She actually made him and he now sits on top of my computer tower. So. Damn. Cute. The picture does not do him justice. I love tiny things and crabs- winning! heart

And she also got me the rainbow of candles in this shot:

I. Nearly. Died. With. Joy. gonk heart I could not stand to break the set apart- I took about a million pictures because I loved how the colors look and wanted to have reminders of a lovely day. I have already started burning one and will be sad when I get through the rainbow, but it meant a lot to me to get so many because they really cheer me up when I am feeling in need of a smile.
Speaking of which...I got a few other things that I did not mention earlier. Among those things a huge bag of books and DVDs from the aforementioned and much beloved used-bookstore and a huge pair of green sunglasses that I thoroughly enjoyed wearing about on our trip. rofl I seriously love you three- you let me be the biggest goober ever and seem amused by me, which at times is very much like encouraging a child when they are being a spaz. ^.^ You know you really should not but the kid is being so damn cute you can't help but laugh- 'cept the kid is me and I am the oldest one in the group! xD
The day after was when I got something I never really expected.
I still can not believe what happened on my birthday. My hands are still shaky and I still have this huge dopey grin plastered on my face. You know what they say about a picture and a thousand words; besides that, I have actually been struck beyond the ability to go into words about this...and some of you know what a big deal it is when I am struck unable to even WRITE about something. rofl heart
So instead of using words I will leave you with this:

This is my birthday present from Asai (now currently Count Nanu); we met years and years ago on here (in a Chatterbox thread, bumping our little newbie hearts out and talking about our favorite anime!) and then for my twenty-fourth birthday he came from a totally different state to meet me and the rest of the Horsemen physically. I have never been so damn nervous or confused or shaken to the core as I was that day; the minute I laid eyes on him I knew he was mine and I knew nothing was ever going to be the same for either of us.
Yes- that ring means what you think it means. I did not think that anything could come close to the feeling I got when he walked out of the sunshine and into the bus stop years ago...but I was wrong. I was very happily wrong.