Ten Commandments of the Avatar Arena:
1- Thou shalt at least try to match.
2- Thou shalt have at lease one item more than 3k. Donation items art better.
3- Cosplay=greatness, if it art a good cosplay
4- Description=greatness, if it art a good description.
5- Title=greatness, can thou just look up two commandments above?
6- If thou outfit art entirely black, people probably shalt tell you to get color, exepting the freakish gothic kids, who shalt go 'omg!1! black!' I say this, because black is passe, overplayed, and, to be franketh, downright damn awful.
7- Thou shalt wear a shirt. Nobody likes shirtless people.
8- Thou shalt be able to take constructive critism/the hordes of noobs who invade the area and diss thine outfit.
9- If thou art reviewing, thou shalt explain why you chose the grade thy did.
10- Thou shalt not go on a rampage and cuss someone out or put 'noooooooooooooooob!!! etc., etc.,' If thou does that, thou shalt promptly get thy a** kicked.
And thy most important commandment is...reference the Ten Commandments whenever possible!
Disclaimer: I based this idea off my arena expierences and the book of Exodus. Please don't sue me/accuse me of being heathen. I just have a sense of humour.
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As if I ever update this piece of crap!
This is the daily(ish) journal that I, Atomic H keeps. Here you will hear all of my rants/fanboy drool/whatever the hell I put in heres. So....yeah. Whoo. And now for something completely different...