this one needs updating. I never finished it. Lol hence the emoticons and me like talking.
Name – Guil Illilaith Shikage
Nickname/Alias - Ceri
Age – 89
Apparent Age – 16
Birthday – Hallow's Eve (oct. 31st)
Alive or Dead? Alive
Race - merfolk
Gender – female
Orientation - pansexual (bi)
Theme Songs – N/A
Nationality – ehh.....Baltic?
Height – human-5"6' mer head to tail- 14"8'
Weight – 120-130 lbs.
Character Appearance – mer-
 human-(her head's a bit more human than that. like lose the tentacles for black hair, but yeah)
 -Hair Colour- Black -Eye Colour- A milky blue-gray
Personality – Ceri is usually quiet and conservative and doesn't always say what she's thinking. She cares for others and fight's fiercly to protect the people she wishes to protect though detestes battle and harming another being for any reason other than neccassity.
Inner World - a large ocean with a cloudless sky filled with stars and several extraterrestial bodies (moons, planets, astroid, ect.) in the ocean there's a single large mountain reaching to the sky the top shrouded in the only clouds to be found. everything is always calm and quiet.
Background History – Ceri was raised in a strict, quiet merfolk family in the Baltic Sea (up between Scandinavia and Norway). Growing up doing as she told and behaving by her families rules Ceri left to explore land as soon as she came of age.
Motto - Treat all as equals, but treat them their own. (yes. it is very contradictory)
Strengths - healing and/or caring for others (lol not always a strength...) obviously swimming? close, mid-close, mid, mid-long range combat and agility.
Weaknesses - talking to people and expressing herself.
Likes - chivalry.
Loves - learning. being around friends
Dislikes - being bored
Hates - dishonour, betrayl, hatred, pointless fighting, excessive pride ,greed, you know the kind of stuff.
Favoirte Food - Salmon
Favorite Drink - Pepsi
Least Favorite Food - beef
Least Favorite Drink - milk
Family - mother, father, their parents and sibilings, three sisters and two brothers.......nesseccary?
Squad or Realm– Realm of the Living. Squad 3
Position – eehhh......3rd seat.
Elemental Power - ice/water
Elemental Ability(Minor) - Merai'lly. The ability to turn water into ice and vice versa
Elemental Ability(Moderate) - Sai. The ability to heal most wounds
Elemental Ability(Major) - Deraith'vendr. The ability to pull water from something, the air, a rock, or another living being animate or other wise except stronger opponents.
Weapon Name - Veer Cai'fhry
Weapon Type - Bladed staff/flail
Weapon Element - water
Weapon Length - the staff is 6", including the ball and chain(flail) it's 12"
Weapon Appearance - the staff
 with the ball and chain attached to the non bladed end

Weapon Spirit - she's a winged human thing....

Weapon Personality - she's cold, creul and relishes in the blood of felled enemies. she can be quick, agile and flexible when she needs to be, or she can be an unstoppable force fo bloodlust and fury. (hence a staff, and a flail) though doesn't like to fight without reason.
WEAPON 1ST RELEASE, UNCON(For 5th seat and higher)
Obtained? – yes
Weapon 1st Release Command – Bend and ensnare
Weapon Appearance – The staff seperates into a link chain with the flail on both ends instead of just one.
Weapon Ability (Minor) - the ability to change it's [the weapon] weight (i won't go into the science of this ability being totally water based)
Weapon Ability (Moderate) - the ability to temporarily paralize her opponent. (again, i promise it's water based.)
Weapon Ability (Major) - Can change air currents and density using water. (so can create or change winds and also create like shields outta water vapour or thin it out)
Weapon Restrictions – she can only use her abilities when there is water for her to work with outside of organizims else it becomes an ordinary weapon.
Aura Color - blue slate
Aura Shape - ooo! one of those shapes with only one side.
Any Descriptive Markings or tattoos? - lol does being a slightly green-sih blue count? xd and yeah tattoos. she's a merfolk. she's covered in tattoo's kinda like henna.
Any Special accessories or extra weapons? - a bauble pendant necklace that changes colours based of the amount of reiatsu (sorry can't think of how to collective aura's as an actual noun) near it. Also has a belt (like in the pic) of bottles that have of course water and medicines.
Extra Abilities - She can see in any kind of lighting and underwater. Can of course swim very quickly. Is very smart when it comes to rhetoric and such. Not so much when it comes to people. She's never lost. She also has extraordinary sense of smell and hearing (lives in an ocean people. have to)
BSPBleach · Wed Mar 14, 2012 @ 04:11pm · 0 Comments |