Name: Her birth name has long since been forgotten by any but herself. Siniathdu Nazeshikage is her given name.
Nickname: Dusk
Age: uncertain looks about 17
Height/Weight: 5'9" and 120lbs.
Sexuality: straight
 and here's her necklace which you'll probably never see unless she strips razz

Other: Dusk is a vampire who likes to kill her own food food (preferably a certain kind of mountain cat) and would never drink blood from a bag or such as she has seen vampires do. She travels around a lot due to her wild emotions allowing her to be easily offended and to make quick, rash decisions.
Bio/Backround: ((this kinda long and complicated. And unneccassary. But mostly long.)) Dusk was born to a small village of humans in a time before language was written. Her village, like others near by, sacraficed children born on a whole moon to Ithl'n. The first vampire to live in the waters. On the new moon villagers sacraficed the newborns to Dwed'n. The first vampire to live below ground. They would each turn their sacrafices into vampires and raised them to excel with the unique traits that Ithl'n and Dwed'n possesed and passed into them. They formed two strong, tight knit covens that worked together to protect the humans and even provide services when requested.
One new moon, twins were born. But the mother kept them a secret and hid them away not wanting to give up her first born children. On the next full moon, another villager found the children and fearing that the Vy'n (their word for god leader) would punish them for the deception, the villagers forced her to give the children to Ithl'n. But Ithl'n knew when he recieved the children that they were too old to be his and sent them away to Dwed'n. When Dwed'n recieved the children, he was furious at the deception. He turned a single child, much too young to control itself and sent the other child to Ithl'n as a gift saying that since they're twins, they could share them as a peace offering for the confusion. Ithl'n gladly raised the child to be a vampire, but right after the child was turned, it's twin was released on the village to punish them.
At the time, the oldest twin was in the village upon their request and uknowing that the Lock'hy(evil god or devil. Vampires turned before the age of 15) was his sibling, he killed it. According to the laws that the Vy'n made, a vampire that kills another covens vampire without the acknowledgment of both Vy'n are to be cast out and shunned. So the child went into the mountains past were the vegatation stopped and lived there stealing his food from the villagers, sometimes even children so he could turn them into vampires and create his own coven to get revenge on the unjust Vy'n. He called himself Lock'n and tried many times to demand sacrafices from the villagers like the Vy'n but the villagers remembered the stories and always turned to the Vy'n to squash his rebellions.
When Dusk was born, the covens had expanded greatly and many new rules were made to handle with the expansion. For one, there was no longer wars between the covens. Instead the Vy'n had duels determined by the challenger then each Vy'n picked 5 vampires from the others coven to be their prize should they win, as well as winning whatever argument that caused the duel. Dusk was born on a full moon in a village that lived literally on the water that Ithl'n and his coven called home. It was a small but valuable people due to their natural immunity to diseases and posions, athletic ability, healing abilities, and they were all fierce hunters. They were perfect vampire material and as such both covens set up vampire posts in the village to be sure they each got their fair share of them. As such, several halfing were born causes several fights among the underling vampires who kept the problems from the Vy'n.
After Dusk was turned, she was sent to her village as a replacement for one of Ithl'n's posts. While there, she interferred with the lives of the villagers in many ways. The other posts were angry or envious that the villagers and Ithl'n liked her so they plotted to get her exiled. Ithl'n didn't believe the accusations and so Dwed'n started a duel. And he picked Dusk as one of his prizes. Ithl'n lost the duel and so Dusk became part of Dwed'n's coven.
Dusk served Dwed'n for several decades, and she started to become his favourite. He didn't have very many vampires from her village and none of them as apt as Dusk. Many of Dwed'n's vampires were furious that their punishment on Dusk turned into a reward and so they told Dwed'n the things that happen while the vampires were posted at the village. The Vy'n were angry at their abuse of their duties and banished all the vampires to be posted at the village to Lock'n's coven, and banished all the halflings to the lands beyond the horizon.
Dusk went to Lock'n with her enemies and was readily greeted by the twisted coven. Horrified by their broken beastiality, Dusk ran away from the coven and snuck into Dwed'n's vast tunnel network. Fighting off the people that tried to attack her for intrusion. It took her nearly two years, but she managed to find an exit near a human village. Looking into it, Dusk found that Dwed'n had been recieving sacrafices from other villages as well. Disgusted that her beloved Ithl'n had been betrayed she had planned to go back and confront the Vy'n but some of the other outcasts and some of Dwed'n's vampires ambushed her. She tried to get free, but they told her she couldn't return. If she returned and brought up the illegal sacrafices, the Vy'n would find out that they weren't in control anymore, that their vampires had gone out to secure their own sacrafices. Furious at their claim Dusk broke free of the prison they had been holding her in and hunted down many of the vampires killing them, in the process finding out they were right. Nearly all the vampires old enough to know how to glamour the humans had their own villages either through Dwed'n's tunnels or through the many waterways and tributaries of Ithl'n's sea. Dusk ashamed of her brethren and embarassed for her Vy'n's blindness of their own realm, she left and traveled as far away as she could.
For centuries Dusk moved from city to city killing everything and anyone that even slightly went against her. After a few centuries she began to forget her past, both from time, and from her anger eating it up. She ended up staying in a large village settled among strange trees that grew hundreds of feet in the air. The village was often attacked by creatures that could fly or run along the trees without fear of falling. Liking the challenge of fighting such creatures, and enjoying hunting she stayed for along time until a group of nomads visited the lower reaches of the village and brought news of a city called Invictus and that there were vampires fighting and weird twisted deamons terrorizing anything not caught in the battle. Worried that the Vy'n and Lock'n broke out in war and humans were being caught in the overflow, she decided to head back.
Not knowing how to get there, she took a zigzag route to Invictus that took her nearly a millinea to finally reach. By the time she got there, she had forgotten why she had been heading there. She found that Invictus was habited by a large variety of creatures she had never heard of piqueing her curiousity enough for her to stay. She got involved with a powerful vampire that was fighting for power in the local coven. She killed him when he challenged her knowledge and power.
Deciding she wasn't in control of herself, Dusk exiled herself to the mountains. After a few decades of isolating herself she learned a lot about to control herself, but she was still wild and uncontrolable like her kin and got bored of her isolation and returned to the city.
BSPBleach · Wed Mar 14, 2012 @ 04:51pm · 0 Comments |