(sorry, i'm slow to make characters and boycotted mass effect 2 after an accident so i wanna brush up before i start rping)
-Name: Itkana Julleanna Zigfhrid -Age: 25 -Gender: female -Race: human -Sexuality: pan (not picky) -Height: 5'6" -Weight: about 120lbs. -Class: soldier -Biotics(?): no -Member of: lone mercenary. -Personality: a loner preferring to do things herself. She'd rather risk a job alone then work with people she doesn't trust. -Biography: born into a military family, Itkana moved around with her parents from station to station using each station as learning opprotunity to prepare herself for joining the Alliance as her parents wished. When she turned 18, she immediately joined the Alliance only to quit 3 years later. She didn't like the way things ran and decided she would be better off alone despite her parents disapproval. -Likes: her sniper rifle, flying under the radar, assasination missions, easy contracts. -Dislikes: running out of ammo, close combat, getting scammed, contracts requiring her to work with others -Weapon of Choice: as long as she has ammo, she'll gladly pick you off with her beloved viper rifle. -Strengths: weapon accuracy -Weaknesses: close combat -Appearance:
 -Morality: hmm 26/24. So 45% paragon 55% renegade -Specialty: Sniping
BSPBleach · Wed Mar 14, 2012 @ 11:14pm · 0 Comments |