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Deadly_moonlight's Scrible
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Name: Glaceon
Nickname: Cee-Cee
Type: Ice
Species: Fresh Snow Pokémon
Age: 19
Personality: Fresh, Fun, Sassy, Intelligent, mischevious
Ability: Ice Body
Bio: Cee-Cee never got a choice about what she wanted to evolve into when she was an Eevee. She was the middle child of seven, and her parents decided that the first born child should be a flareon, the second a jolteon, the third a leafeon, and the fourth child-- Cee-Cee-- a glaceon, the fifth a vaporeon, the sixth a Espeon and the final, an Umbreon. But Cee-Cee didnt mind, she liked being a Glaceon. But she didnt like her parents, not one bit. So when the opportunity arrived for her to move away, she instantly moved into PokePark and hasnt looked back.
Gender: Female
Home: Iceberg
Moves: Ice Fang, Blizzard, Bite, Ice Beam, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball
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