Username: Uninterruption
Name: Porter Ryan Tally
Nickname: Port, Portal
Gender: Male
Birthday: March 7th, 1998
Age: 17
xxxHeight: Five foot nine inchesName: Porter Ryan Tally
Nickname: Port, Portal
Gender: Male
Birthday: March 7th, 1998
Age: 17
xxxWeight: One-hundred and sixty-seven pounds
xxxEye Color: Teal
xxxHair Color: Blonde
xxxEthnicity: Scandinavian-American
I prefer females; therefore, he's straight
These are a few of my favorite things; ○Music
○Sleeping in
○Being myself
○Pokemon Games
I completely abhor these; ●People who boss him about
●School, though he's fairly smart
●Waking up early on the weekends
Personality: Porter is incredibly apathetic, at least towards most things. He's passionate about little, but what he does enjoy, he knows much about. Porter doesn't talk much, and when he does he makes his comments concise. He's the type of kid who would sit in the back of a classroom, sleep through lectures, and somehow still pass the class. He doesn't like standing out. Porter has few close friends, but he'd do anything to protect those for whom he cares.
Biography: Porter's mother is full blooded Norwegian, and his father's background contains a mix of European ethnicities. His parents met after his mother immigrated to America. His mother took an English language class in New York City, but still spoke with a heavy accent. One day after her language class, she decided to enter a coffee shop. A young bachelor approached her and, after many meetings, the two fell in love. They were married two years after meeting and, nine months later, Porter came into the world.
Porter himself grew up a healthy boy; he was always involved in sports, usually soccer. His father worked for a large firm in downtown New York City, while his mother stayed at home in their small neighborhood in Rye. Porter went to public school, where he (like any young boy), was incredibly active and enthusiastic. He loved to learn and loved to be with friends.
Once he hit middle school, however, he soon became lazy, unmotivated, but a music-lover. He took up the bass in sixth grade, and then took private lessons to learn how to play bass guitar. His parents hoped he would take up sports again once he hit high school, thinking that his current self was just a phase. He still hasn't taken up sports, though he bikes regularly to stay in shape. He also continued playing the bass guitar. He doesn't pay attention in class very often, preferring to sleep rather than listen. However, he is incredibly intelligent and gifted, so he still receives good grades.
What, then, introduced Porter to Pokemon? When he was in elementary school, a kid brought a Pokemon Ruby game on the bus. Porter asked to see it, and from that moment on, he was hooked. His parents got him a Pokemon Ruby game and Gameboy Advance SP for his birthday, and he quickly beat the game. He went on to beat Sapphire, Emerald, Pearl, and Diamond games; for some reason, he was completely enthused about the video game. He loved the plot, he loved battling the evil team, and he loved imagining the Pokemon were real. Even as he hit high school, he continued playing Pokemon in his spare moments. Now, he's heard about this new Pokemon event that's sweeping the nation, and he's packed his bags full of his Pokemon games, ready to head off to the event...
Game: Diamond
Hero: Diamond
Other: Porter feels awkward if he doesn't have his headphones around his neck at all times.