It has become necessary for the country of Nalaenir to remove the crowned queen, Evangeline Priscilla von Kaenel. This country has the right to do so for its own protection as any other nation has done or should do when under such a terrorist reign. Additionally, it is important to explain to the public and said nations why this declaration of mutiny.
This declaration is based on certain truths. The public as a whole and of all races are equal to one another and shall all have certain rights that the government should never dispose of.
The crowned ruler and Parliament exist to support the right of their people. Such governments only exist through the strength of the country they serve and support. When the government fails to bequest these rights to the people and removes the speech of the people from their houses and parties, the people have the right to overthrow their ruler in a way that allows their rights to be protected. However, in saying such, it is understood that governments are not to be abolished for inconsequential reasons; it is not commonplace for the public to change a system they are accustomed to. Howbeit, when the people of a country have suffered constant debasement under the control of a corrupt leader, they not only have the right but the duty to overthrow that leader.
List of Torments and Commandeering
The country has suffered 26 at the blood-stained hands of the Queen Evangeline. Each of these torments has been directed toward the country for the purpose of establishing a totalitarian government in Nalaenir. Reinette claims that the cities have patiently suffered these torments and that it is now time to reveal these torments to the countries of the world.
The first 12 torments involve Queen Evangeline’s installation of a tyrannical authority in place of a representative government. The foundation of a representative government is the power of the people to make laws for the public good. Queen Evangeline interrupted the process by rejecting such legislation proposed by the people, eradicating the people’s bodies of representation and replacing the leader of many representative parties with her appointed ministers. Queen Evangeline grew in her tyranny by interfering with the objective judicial processes and within the civil rights of the cities. Queen Evangeline halted the establishment of judicial powers in the cities and made judges dependent on her for their jobs and salaries. Queen Evangeline further spread out her totalitarian control by maintaining a strong military control under her direct command. The queen is a tyrant because she keeps standing armies in cities despite the war, makes the military power superior to the civil government, and forces the citizens to support the military through higher taxes.
Abuses 13 through 22 describe the involvement of the parliament in destroying the cities’ right to have some form of self-rule. The queen has “combined with others” to subject the cities to legislation passed without the public’s input or consent. Such acts have instead been passed to quarter troops in the cities against the public’s will, to abolish trade with other parts of the world, to levy taxes without the consent of city legislatures, to take away trial by jury and to force citizen to be tried by the queen herself. Additionally, legislation has been establish to absolute rule in the northern area, taken away the authority of city governments and forbidden further legislation by city governments.
The last 4 abuses, 23-26, refer to specific actions that the Queen of Nalaenir took to abandon the cities and wage war against them while ignoring the revolts in the east and the war with Reta in the west. The Queen has attempted to suppress the citizen’s rebellion through violence and military means. She has sent Nalanerian military to attack the citizens, burn their towns, attack their ships in the channel and destroy the lives of innocent people. She has kidnapped Nalanerian children and forced them into the military, sending the young boys to war to be slaughtered. She has also refused to protect us from Retian attack and has caused our country to turn against itself.
Past Actions of the Citizens
Up until this declaration, citizens have used non-violent means such as petitions to protest the abuses of Queen Evangeline. Each attempt to request peaceful negotiations was met by more neglect and more abuse.
Additionally, cities tried to appeal to the Parliament and other Nalanaerian Ministers for help. These attempts were ignored. Citizens appealed to the Ministers’ sense of justice, to their shared heritage and culture, and to their economic connections. These attempts were ignored, rebuked and disregarded thus causing them to fail. However, the country has no other choice but to declare muntiny. In doing so, the new crown of Nalaenir shall take care of their country in wartime, and help them prosper during peace.
Conclusion and Establishment of a new Crown
I, Alvaro Marius von Kaenel, represent the people of Nalaenir which shall become a prosperous and accepting nation. This declaration informs the world that the public and country of Nalaenir are free from the Queen’s tyrannical rule and hereby remove any Ministers with political connections to her. The declaration also serves to appeal to the people of the world to understand the reasons why this removal of the Queen is justifiable.
The new leader claims the power to levy war, make peace, make alliances with foreign nations, conduct trade, and do anything else that is for the good of this country.
The new leadership believes that the gods, deities and spirits will protect them in their venture to establish a just monarch. The citizens of the country have pledged their loyalty and lives to the cause of the new crown and a new and brighter future.
Your Missing Period · Thu Sep 13, 2012 @ 07:47am · 0 Comments |