xxxxxxxas the waves come in
xxxxxxxxxxxxsentient blades // oneshot
xxxxxxxxxxxxlisten while you read
The air was hot and damp but nowhere near as harsh on the skin as the deserts back home. A tall lanky figure stood on the beach looking out across the ocean that spanned past the limits of his vision. He knew he ought to retreat back to the huts by now but it was simply too amazing to tear himself away from.
"You're still out here?" A cool voice quipped and Hakeem jumped from the suddenness of it. He hadn't heard her approach. Her pale skin glowed in the sunlight and he found himself more startled by her appearance than, well, her appearance. She looked different without that silly umbrella she'd been hiding under back in Prycrest. He'd call it beautiful but honestly, when had she not been? He'd settle for natural.
"Give me some slack, I went seventeen years without seeing it." He laughed and turned to look at her. She looked annoyed as always, was she that mad he'd slipped off? They'd been stationed on one of the remote islands in Soldari while regaining their strength. The skirmish in Oclea had left both sides for the worse and they'd been forced to retreat into hiding. It was a good thing Lori's ferry connections and Ferro's retreat business had been able to get them this place in privacy.
"Because sightseeing is so much more important than your own health." She removed a hand from her hip and smacked his bandaged arm without holding back. A pained groan escaped his lips and he looked down at the sand embarrassed that she was right. He'd thrown himself into that battle, sparks ablaze and thunder crashing about before almost losing an arm to a wild chainsaw. Lorelei had escaped without grave injury thanks to her position as a mage but seemed the grumpiest of them all at having to play healer and babysitter over the lot of them.
He suspected a lot of it came from being so close to home again actually. Childhood nolstagia didn't seem to suit her well and it probably felt odd when most of it was filled with tutors and lessons.
"I must've missed the invite. So here's the party, huh?" A low warm voice entered and the newcomer shielded his eyes from the sun with a salute. The girl stiffened at the sight of him, shirtless and wet from spearing for fish on the other side of the island. Hakeem had to admit it was a little distracting as well. And a little irritating. It didn't take a genius to see what was going on between those two.
Though a moron like Gabe would have some trouble getting it.
"Sorry, ah, Lori and I were just..." He laughed, why was this so awkward? It wasn't like he'd been doing anything weird to be ashamed of. The brunette's eyes gazed past him over the lavender girl's soft body draped in white cotton and he wondered what his best friend was thinking. Was he as conflicted as him? Did he realize what he was feeling? She shifted her weight to her other foot as they stared and seemed to squirm under Gabe's gaze. Something about the focused attention of a playboy always made the victim self conscious.
"I was just taking attendance. It looks like you're both fine and not missing." Did she ever run out of stupid little made up chores to establish leadership? He hid a smile at the ridiculousness of it and let her think she was in control. He was used to bossy women thanks to his family. They were adorable.
"Present and well, commander." Gabe rolled his eyes, obviously not taking her seriously. "I wasn't able to get anything today. Think you could give me a hand?" A large rough hand reached and took hers playfully to lead her towards him. Lorelei yelped and stumbled against him, scoffing that the reason was because he was a noisy clumsy gorilla. She blushed and pulled away but Hakeem could tell she wasn't hating the attention. It was funny to see how shy she could get pretending to dislike the guy while also watching Gabe pretend this was just his typical act.
Who did they think they were fooling? Themselves or each other?
"Fine. I will help you." She almost looked proud of whatever her latest plan was. Shedding her dress on the beach, she crooked a finger to follow. The athlete shrugged and started after her curiously, hands behind his head in his laid back way. It was one of the things Hakeem admired about his friend, his ability to smoothly flow along with things despite not having a clue what was going on. Relaxed and simple, he belonged in this paradise under the palm trees without a worry.
Hakeem watched her from behind and swallowed. She didn't need curves to impress. The bikini fit like paint against her dancer's body. Gabe followed in his carefree way and the two made a nice picture against the blue backdrop and he hesitated to join in and ruin it. The boy looked to the sky for answers.
If not for Jelorent, if not for the weapons, perhaps every day could've been passed like this.
"What're you daydreaming about? C'mon." A hand pressed against his back and propelled him forward with them. He flushed from the contact and gave the other a grateful smile.
"Alright alright, race you there." He stood no chance against the soccer player but he didn't care. Her voice called out to hurry and the two responded with a holler. As long as Lori kept spurring him forward and Gabe kept him from thinking too much, the weight of the world wouldn't bother him.
A brilliant white sail came into view and he chased after it.
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