Tiger's ode to Dozah:
Ok, well, just to let you know, I'll give you a breif update: TOMORROW IS SENIOR PICNIC! I cannot wait xD Then, Saturday is prom!
Apparently, my school believes I am a lesbian. ******** idiots.
Um... anyway, I was in a really good mood, then I read a blog by one Jerrica Ford: The closest to hating a person I ever came. She broke two of my closest friends hearts with her lies. I really loathe her. I know the truth, and I also know her MySpace. So, me bored, read her blog. Now, she is 15. I know his cause one of my friends went out and MET her. And her pics are all lies. Anyway: In her little blog, she's like "omg, there are 4 girls on MySpace pretending to be me! And they're lying about their ages, and saying they're 15 and I'm 18 and the guy I'm in love with thinks I'm lying, and I'm trying to get them all off..."
THEY ARE ALL HER!!! THE LYING EFFING b***h! Anyway. So, that ticked me off.
But now, onto the real matter: Dozah. Dozah is gone for a while. I'm sad. Dozah is like among the most awesomest guys I know in the world ever. He deserves so much more than what he has. He's my friend, my brother, my computer fixer xP Not to mention a damn fine role player, and a great addition to mine and Tsuki's RPs. He's just a great person.
Whether he's online or not, he will still be in our thoughts. His little collection of adoring fans (me, Tsuki, and Icey) will never forget him and will always luff him forever and ever and ever until the day we track him down to live under Tsuki's stairs with us ;P
But Dozah, if and when you read this, know that we love you and we always will. You are totally the coolest dude. No matter where you are or what happens, three girls will always love you ^_^ *breaks into the song* And weeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeeee willl always love yoooooooOOOOOoooou, weeeeeeee will always.... love YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!
And we will. Don't let this get you down. Things will look up for you smile
heart You Dozah
QUOTE: "To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep-- no more. And by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to; tis a consummation devoutly to be whished. To die, to sleep-- to sleep perchance to dream, aye, there's the rub. For in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must ive us pause." I had to memorize it, and I'm too lazy to type out the rest xP
Community Member
Just kidding, you can be vice with Icey. xD
Anyway, I hope you have oodles of fun at your Senior Prom.... with all the people who think that you're a lesbian. >.>;;;
I'm not going to comment on that girl... because she ticks me off, even though I don't know her. [people like her piss me off easily xP]
T__________T I wish Dozah was here..... we need him. 'Cuz he's my brother, too. -tries to sing song- Dear Lord.. I won't touch that song with a 50-foot pole. xD
Anyway, I saved you all a spot under my stairs. x3
heart for DOZAH!