This is A show we plan to make called Onelia and Fang.Ok so our characters sad please note all the discriptions with the name of fang in it were done by My friend cuz theyre her characters) sweatdrop
Main Characters:
Onelia usually sweet bad temper,very gothic and tomboyish she is also very smart.shes the princess of the fire kingdom.She gets depressed and mad very easily as if her emotions are fighting with eachother.She has the power of fire but kuichi suspects she also has the power of dark hidden somewhere inside.age 16
 Fang very much like onelia exept shes not as smart gothic or temperd.shes the princess of the thunder kingdom.Dozes off during class and dosent pay attention. But if you make her mad shes not hesitant to attack.Shes has the power of thunder and lightning.age 16
Kurenai Onelia's immature and frisky mom that died in a attack.she dosent mind anything onelia does. and can make a joke out of anything. never yells.but after the attack she was killed and erased from onelias memory.died at age 36 queen of fire kingdom.
 Kuichi onelias boyfriend very shy and quiet but very protective.Hes a wolf demon thats lost all hope until one day onelia brightend his life.He has the power of darkness and is usually shy and dosent talk much at all.age 17
 this is kyo fangs boy friend he has dose not really have a bad temper dose not like the rabbits hes 17 yrs old and is a full dog he is very shy when it comes to Fang plus very protective of her even though she punches him alot ^^"
Shigure onelia and fangs cruel dad. from the day they were born he wanted nothing to do with them.Dark mysterious figure whos ageless
 Akemi onelias little sister that is flirty and energetic.age 13 not much else to say
 This is Fangs mother Kisa she died by her husband killing her she gave fang a bracelet of a picture of her and fang
 This is fangs human sister Rin she was never nice to fang because she was part cat she always treated her diffretly than other people she told her friends to make fun of her to
Ayachi Onelias friend. shes a great artist but is shy and lacks self confidence.Very much like kuichi accept a little more gothic and sweet. Very clumbsy and loves nature. age 17
 Konomi Onelias friend known for being over self confident, big mouthed and having a bad temper.Shes a fox whos not afraid to beat a teacher up if they get in the way of something. age 16
 Surunu onelias best friend shes friendly and sporty.She takes risks and is like a naughty child; sneaking into the teachers lounge going into private properties etc.
dark_kitten_156 · Fri May 26, 2006 @ 04:16am · 1 Comments |