This next show is caled Robotic Angel characters: Yumi
 A very sweet and quiet middle school girl, She would probably juts sit there if she was being hurt or abused because shes defenceless. thats how this story started.Age 15
 She is Yumis best friend that is always looking out for her since she realy cant look out for herself. Very strong and proud Age 15
Yumi 561200
 Yumi's new Robotic body that is modified to look act and grow just like yumi (accept for the look part ,that obiously failed)
This show is about A young middle schooler, Yumi who almost died in a car accident the only way to save her was to put her in a robotic body. but it turns out the body is hard to control and often gets her into trouble
dark_kitten_156 · Sat May 27, 2006 @ 03:52pm · 0 Comments |