(Once again too many words in teh first so I had to move the very very end here sorry it's Gaia's bull NOT MINE!!!! >XP)

Then I woke up! I gasped jolting up in a cold sweat. I had shocked eyes. It was all so real! Surreal, that is. But there it was. There was a cloth on my head and I was in bed. (I didn't mean to rhyme that it just happened!) I felt woozy. I woke up in a fog. "What happened?" My uncle and friends fussed and made me lie back down. "Okay..." I said slow. My uncle gasped in a high-pitched voice. "She's here!" "She's alive?" Kiku said raising her voice in cheer. "We thought you were...well..." Youkai said with stress. An anime sweatdrop got on him. He smiled to hide his tears. "We thought you were dead!" Kira accidentally said too loud. Everyone glared at him and went back to cooing and staring at me like I was an angel from the heavens. I event felt like I was just coming back! "I'm not!" I shouted happily with a big smile.
I was so happy they all came to check on me and see if I was O.K. It felt so nice knowing they all cared. But I didn't forget my adventures even if they were just insane crazy people dreams like those loonies and crooks that belong locked up in asylums. I told them all about it. "I had the funniest dream..." I smiled and looked and pointed. "And you were there and you were too! And you!" I did this to everyone. "If I may..." Kiku said with what seemed to be newfound bravery. "What happened in it?" I tell them the whole entire story and we shared a laugh on it. Raven and her wild imagination! "You know I don't always think but you're always on my mind." Youkai said scratching his chin then he left with Kiku. They all had to leave since the day wasn't done yet! But not before Kira tucked me in and kissed my cheek like a baby. "Remember you're always in my heart." He swooned. I nod and smile. "I'm just so happy to have all of you!" We hugged and I learned something.
I learned that I always had people on my side and the love and kindness proved that I did actually have an affect on the world. I felt like more of a person. Or even more than that! I had to go through a lot to know that home was here all along and in my hands. They even ordered a pizza! They even left the room and served it to me on a silver platter. Literally! I was never happier especially since I didn't hear of a certain wicked someone after this ever again EVER...just kidding! No one died or melted or got hurt. But someone DID egg her house! I think it was Youkai. He may not think of much but he ALWAYS thinks of his friends!
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Sat Aug 08, 2015 @ 12:27am · 0 Comments |