I just started watching anime so don't ask me anout my favorite anime. I think Naruto is hte best I've seen yet though.I dislike American anime though I think it is another one of those things we aren't good at.My favorite character from Naruto is Garra.He is one of the most missunderstood people on the show.He has like a demon inside him.

This is what I know of Garra or Garaa idk how to spell lol.......
Gaara is a very inexplicable character and is usually always in the same state. He is only on this planet for himself and does everything for himself making him seem a bit self-centred. When you first get a glimpse of him you may probably think of him as a red haired freak, but once you really learn about him you tend to get a shiver of fear causing Goosebumps on your skin and a quiver in your spine. None the less, he is an amazing shinobi and could probably take on any village himself steadily, because of his haunting which is probably why he is so fierce and almost impossible to defeat.
When Gaara was born he wasn't like any other child, he had something in him. This was put in him by his father who used a sacrifice, a woman who was most likely Gaaras mother to seal a Sand Demon, a high priest known as Shukaku. However there is a little twist to this power, whenever Gaara is awake the Sand Demon has little control over him but if Gaara ever falls asleep the seal will break unleashing the Sand Demon with full power over Gaara. Because of this grim factor, Gaara always has this eye shadow type blackness around his eyes because he hasn't gotten sleep for countless years in fear that Shukaku would take control of his body, which would cause the killing of many people as well as tremendous amounts of damage.
Gaara reason for being created and used like this was because he would be used as a tool and would be a very amazing skilled shinobi which would strengthen the Sand Villages military and chances of victory in battle. Also seeing how he has the power to control sand around him it would also give a huge advantage on battles taking place inside the Sand Village since there is a massive amount of supply inside the village. Because of Gaaras special abilities and amazing defences he was feared by all the other children and wouldn't have any friends or anyone to play with because they would run away in fear of being killed by his abilities. As Gaara grew older, Kazekage realized that his abilities were improving and he was becoming a very powerful shinobi. He got onto the verge were Gaara seemed to strong and despised by him where he thought that he must be gotten rid of but then he realized something he should of thought of a long time ago, karma; you pay for what you create. Because of these amazing abilities none of Kazekages plots to assassinate Gaara succeeded, and all shinobis who were sent on these mission were killed. Now in a lot of risk and trouble Kazekage decided to keep Gaara on an invisible leash and kept under close eye to make sure he wouldn't try to pull something on Kazekage or the entire Sand Village.
Gaara is such a dangerous shinobi because of his abilities that help him all around with fair play of defence and offence, which is thought to be an unbeatable match. But then again, nothing can be 100% perfect, which was why his disadvantages were kept as secrets. Gaara carries a Gourd on his back which is normally used to carry various liquids, but in his gourd he has some special mixes, sand and the blood of his victims. One of his unseen and affective defences is the Armour of Sand which is a layer of invisible sand covering his whole body. His Armour of Sand is hardly affected unless the opponent gets by his other spiffy technique, the Shield of Sand. Whenever someone attempts and attack or jutsu on Gaara the sand will immediately rise from his gourd and block it automatically.
Another two of Gaara's techniques which again are feared by everyone who has managed to see them and live, and are even feared by Kankuro and Temari who could be considered his brother and sister. First the Desert Coffin, Gaara's most dangerous and effective technique that entangles the opponent in layers sand leaving some space for them to breath and is finished with his Desert Graveyard technique which crushes the enemies body and makes them explode instantly giving them no pain or feeling and their blood is gathered with the sand into his gourd. Gaara is overall a very interesting character who has many twists and turns in his story and a character that is definitely unique from all of the others.
UnjustxNitemare · Sat Jul 01, 2006 @ 05:51pm · 0 Comments |