Eh-heh. I forgot to update my journal when i was on yesterday. So i had gone to Cache Creek (casino w/ a hotel and crap)with my family, and we ate at a Kung Fu Fat's Chinese restaurant. Damn we re so cheap! Everyone (except my sister) got some cheap plate. The food was hella good though. I stayed up all night till 2 with my sister then the next day went home, which was yesterday. We didn't do anything except try to watch this cool movie called "Equilibrium." I don't know if that's spelled right. anyways, it was cool except the cable kept going out so i never knew what happened in the middle. it sucked. so that's what happened in my one-night stay in a hotel in a casino. xd
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Fancy Man's Fez Donated by oni kori ryu
Melting Snow Obi
Elegant Floral Fan
Gentle Lavender Sweet Lace Knee Socks
Midnight Black Sweet Lace Rockinghorse Shoes
Meido Elegant Black Dress
Big Black Bow
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