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Let me fly away
Into the deep blue sky
The Dream

So I had a dream last night about my ex-boyfriend, jared. mad I had a few dreams about him within the past 2 years. This one was a lot different. before they were "I still love him"

This one was "I can't do it anymore. I'm in love with someone else."

In my dream I confronted "Jared" after my little sister told him that I was in love with someone else. He looked pissed off and and he was talking to either himself or others and I come in and say "Do you have something to tell me?!" I was upset, too. As though frustrated with something. He came up to me and I told him striahgt off that I couldn't do this anymore, that I was in love with Sean. My heart used to jump when I had these dreams, but this time nothing.

As I write his name, I feel nothing and just want to roll my eyes at my stupidity. Perhaps I'm dumb, perhaps this means nothing. Or maybe this means that I am truly, finally, over this guy after 2 whole ******** years I can't feel for him anymore and every bit of me understands this. Maybe this dream of mine was some way of finalizing something I've been lying about for so long.

I can finally smile and move on with my life.