I will admit it. I am worried about Elecy again. Now that my mind is working again ((thanks to a jumpstart by the visit of a good friend of mine)), it feels again. And now it feels worried. I dare to think the thought of "death", and suicide on her part. I suppose in part, she was somewhat like me, but different, like me and my brother. I am sensitive, and I suppose that is why am worried now, in a sense. I left the forum she posted in... because I couldn't match her capabilities as a writer, and felt jealous. So I left it, trying several times, but the words can't find their place, only random, intense emotions. Emotions that were burried for some time. I hope Naota can clear things up, though. She hasn't logged on for some time, and Naota was sad when he posted that message. Such a sad message. A message that said... that she had left in some way. A way I did not dare guess, not publicly, anyway. If she does log on... I want to say what has been on my mind: She's a better writer than I am. I hope Naota can clear things up.